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THE PREQUEL TO THIS STORY HAS 2K READS!! Thank you all so much!


- 6 Months Later -

Adore's P.O.V.
It's been 6 months since I got out of the hospital, and everything's been going great since. I didn't go to rehab, because Roy said he and my friends would help me get clean, and they've succeeded. I've been clean for about half a year, and it's all thanks to Roy. I want to show him how grateful I am for his help. Me and Roy haven't really done anything as a couple since he's been so busy taking care of me, so today I want to surprise him. I'm going to take him on a date. We haven't had a real genuine date in a while, so I'm really excited. I am going to take him to a really nice restaurant that I had closed for just the two of us, then I'm going to give him his dessert later tonight if you know what I mean ;). I really hope he likes it.

Roy comes home from the store, Dede and Sammy jumping happily on his ankles.

"Hi my babies! I got you your food! Yours too, Danny!"

"PIZZAAAAAAAAAA!" I yell, running from my room to grab the box from his hands.

"Nice to see you, too." Roy says sarcastically.

I press my lips on his. "That a better reaction for you?"

"Yes." Roy says, smiling.

I walk into the kitchen, and grab a plate for my pizza.

"How you feeling?" Roy asks me.

"I feel great. I haven't felt this good in months. So good in fact, that I want to take you out on a date tonight."

"Really? You're up for that?" Roy says, his face getting more eager.

"Yeah. I miss the times where we would go out on dates 2-3 times a month. I want to go back to that."

"Let's do it! What time should I be ready?"


"Alright! I'm excited!" He looks like a little kid right now. He's so adorable.

"I am too! I have everything all planned out. Tonight's gonna be perfect."


I've never been so excited for a date in my life. I wanted to look appropriate for the occasion, so I wore this.

 I wanted to look appropriate for the occasion, so I wore this

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