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T.W. - Blood, self-harm, attempted suicide.

Roy's P.O.V.
"Oh my god! Danny! DANNY!"

Once I open the bathroom door, I see Danny passed out on the floor, a puddle of blood slowly but surely beginning to surround him. I drop to my knees, tears overtaking my face. I rush to his side, turn off the empty shower, and immediately call 911.

After I tell the operator what happened and tell them our address, I just hold Danny in my arms, and apply pressure to his wounds to try and lessen the amount of bleeding. While I'm doing this, I see a piece of paper on the floor. I pick it up and read what's written on it.

I'm so sorry, Willow. For everything. I love you.

- Your Chola

The paramedics arrive not long after. They quickly put Danny on a stretcher, and take him into the ambulance. I get in right after, and hold Danny's blood-covered hands. I should've been there. I shouldn't have left after I found the bottle of pills. I should've just talked to him! Maybe then he wouldn't have done this. This is all my fault. I'm so fucking stupid!

We finally arrive at the hospital after what seems like centuries, and the paramedics rush Danny inside.

I was told to wait in the waiting room, and that in itself felt like torture. I just want to go over there and hold his hand, and heal all of his wounds. I want to make him all better. But I can't. And that's whats killing me right now.

Hours go by, and no one has given me an update on Danny. Finally, a doctor comes into the waiting room, looking for me.

"Are you the family of Danny Noriega?" She asks me.

"Yes, I'm his boyfriend. Is he okay? Please say he's okay."

"We patched up all of his cuts on his arms, and are currently giving him blood transfusions, since he lost almost half of his own blood. He hasn't woken up yet, but we will let you know when he does."

"He's gonna be okay?" I ask hopeful.

"He's gonna be okay, but you will need t-"

I cut the woman off, giving her the biggest hug imaginable.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I tell her, sobbing into her scrubs.

"It's no problem."

While she is comforting me, her pager goes off. She looks at it, a slight smile forming on her face.

"He's awake. I can take you to see him now if you like."

"Yes, please."

The kind lady takes me to Danny's room, and I see a weak smile flash towards me.

"Hey, Willow." Danny says, his voice sounding like he just woke up.

I run to his hospital bed and give him the tightest yet most careful hug I could give. Once I pull away, I put my lips on his. Oh God, I've missed that feeling. It's that kind of feeling that you never wanna forget. I could do this forever.

"I'll give you two some privacy." The doctor says, closing the door to Danny's hospital room, and putting a 'Do not disturb' sign on the door.

We pull away from each other, before I get on his hospital bed, and begin to cuddle him. We don't say anything, we just stay there in each others embrace. We remain like that for awhile, before I break the silence.



"Why did you do it?" I ask, my eyes brimming with tears.

"I thought that after you saw the pill bottle, that you were completely done with me. I know how much you hate drugs, and I thought that would've been the breaking point for you. I didn't want to risk living in a world without you, so I tried eliminating that risk."

To think that that's what he thought was the best solution breaks my heart. Yes I was mad at him, but I could never leave him because of this.

"I would've left the world with you being my boyfriend, so that risk was gone. Roy, you're my everything. I can't lose you. You're too important to me. That's why I did what I did."

"Baby, I wouldn't have left you over the bottle of pills. Yes I was mad, but I would've helped you through everything if you just told me. You don't understand, Danny. I don't just want you, I Need You. You make me a better person. You help control my anger, you have made me happier ever since we first met, and you made me warm up to you. I don't warm up to anyone! So that's a big deal for me. I'm with you Danny, through thick and thin, love and hurt, pain and pleasure. I'm here, Danny. I always will be."

"Promise me that you'll stay, no matter what?"

"I promise. You're stuck with me, you asshole."

"Good. Let's keep it that way."

"Promise me you will try and get better after this."

"I promise. I love you, Willow."

"I love you more, Chola."

"Not possible."

"It is possible."






"Bitch, I will push you off this bed."

Finally, everything was back to normal. At least, our definition of normal.

I Need You - Biadore (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now