Chapter 6

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(Song for this Chap: You Drive Me Crazy by Brittney Spears)

"You drive me crazy, I just can't sleep; I'm so excited, I'm in too deep; Whoa oh oh, crazy, but it feels alright; Baby, thinking of you keeps me up all night" ~ (You Drive Me) Crazy by Brittney Spears

Scarlett's P.O.V

Opening my eyes, I notice I'm in an awfully bright white room.

"Am I dead?" I ask myself aloud.

"No, sweet cheeks, you aren't dead," Alex says to me

"You stayed," I say with a smile

"Well of course I did. I did promise, didn't I," he replies

"Yea, you did," I say

"Well, I'm not a man to break my promises, so here I am. How are you feeling?" he asks

"Well, my body still hurts a bit, but not as much as before," I say, trying to sit up

"Here, let me help you. Don't want you hurting yourself anymore," he says, releasing my hand to help me sit up

"Do you- do you want to sit with me?" I ask

"Only if you want me to. Do you want me to?" he asks

Nodding my head, he gets up from his chair and slides in next to me. Wrapping his arm around me, I lean my head on his chest

"So, why did you do it?" he asks

"Do what?" I ask confused. Not saying anything, he lifts my arm up so I could see my now bandaged wrist

"Oh. That," I say

"Yea," he says

"You're gonna think I'm crazy, but in a way, it helped me numb the pain I was feeling everywhere else. And part of me hoped that one day I would cut deep enough to kill me," I say

"Promise me you'll never do it again," he says

"I promise," I say

"Good. Now let's hope the nurse or somebody gets in here soon so we can get the fuck out of here," Alex says intertwining our fingers. As if rehearsed, Veronica walks in. Looking at me, she rolls her eyes and looks down at my chart.

"So, she's free to leave but make sure she takes her antibiotics daily and that she takes it easy. If she has a job, then she's going to have to take a leave so she can heal properly," Veronica says "Any questions?"

Shaking my head no, she walks out, slamming the door behind her.

"What's her problem? She seemed like such a nice person before," I say

"She doesn't like the fact that I care about this really pretty girl I know," he says

"Oh," I say, the disappointment clear in my voice. Of course, he has a girlfriend.

As if he read my mind, he says, "It's you silly,"

"M-me?" I ask. How could he care about me? He doesn't even know me

"Yes, you," he says

"But-but you don't even know me," I say

"Well, how about this. As soon as you're all better, I'll take you out and you can tell me all about yourself. Your life story and all that," he says

"Like a-a date?" I ask

"Exactly like a date," he says with a smile

"There really isn't much about me though," I say

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