Chapter 25: Haircuts and Blue Cats

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Nitsu POV

Nitsu's log, time ...I don't actually know. I guess it's around two in the morning, but then again I don't have a clock. It was stolen by the gremlins. Anyways, I've been woken by strange noises coming from the kitchen. I grabbed Phil (my Nerf gun) from under my pillow and snuck to the source of the sounds. Now I know what y'all are thinking, why would Nitsu be like a cliche horror movie person and go to the source of the danger? But you really should be asking why I'm addressing an invisible audience.

Boom, I jumped at the noise and smacked my head on the ceiling. Luckily I was wearing a bike helmet. After the attack from the possessed demon bike Alphonso, I'm not taking any chances. I peered into the kitchen, and noticed a flash of red messing around in the pantry.

"Stop in the name of Grayskull!" I jumped out, holding Phil ready to fire.

"Waah!" Ketchup-chan cried out as she jumped out of the cupboard.

"Nitsu-sensi?" Well, at least it's not something out to kill me again.

Third POV

"Ehhh, what's up doc?" Nitsu asked, casually walking munching on a carrot he grabbed from the counter top.

"Sensei! Did I wake you?"

"Yes, but that's not a problem. The problem is the chaos in my beautiful kitchen. Brenda! What has she done to you?" Nitsu cried out dramatically while pointing to the messy cabinets.

"I'm sorry about the mess..." Mito sighed, slumping onto the floor. Nitsu raised an eyebrow,

"Let me guess, tried to make lunch for your teammates?"

"Uh huh."

"Wanted to bond with your brother and the others?"


"But you can't find anything and the sun is going to rise soon."

"On the nose."

Nitsu dipped his carrot into a tub of caramel sauce, "Wait...Can you even cook?"

"Well, it's the one thing I did for fun really. Mom and I would cook and we'd go out to the park with Dad after he got off work." Nitsu nodded, clenching a fist out of Mito's line of sight.

"How fun." Nitsu looked over what was on the table and tilted his head, "Don't know what you were going for, but how about I help you find everything."

Mito's eyes widened, "Really? You'd help me?"

"Either I help you or you destroy my kitchen." Nitsu pushed a button revealing closet with chef clothes.

"Let's get ready to rumble."

-------------------------------------------Back to the Chunin Exams!-------------------------------------------------

Mito carried the basket of goodies in her arms as she made her way towards the rest of the teams. Since the first challenge had ended, she was to switch with Naruto and he was to be alone for the next challenge. It was a confusing set up but who would go against the words of the Daimyos. (Off in the distance a blue cat sneezed in its sleep). Despite cooking together all night, Nitsu-sensei hadn't warmed up to Mito at all. She had tried her best over there past few training sessions to connect with him and maybe learn more about her brother's childhood, but Luna often took over and she was most often ignored. It wasn't like she was trying to hurt Naruto, she just wanted to know more about her brother and the man who helped raise him.

"Mito-Chan! We did it! We made it to the next round!" Sakura cried out from where the others were standing.

Mito smiled, "Hey! I brought lunch!" She picked up the pace, but smacked into another person in the crowded hall.

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