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A/n: Wanted to make this part of last chapter but figured that would make it too long.

Beacon's Infirmary.

Despite the your protest you were taken to Beacon's infirmary by both your team and Team RWBY, Yang and Akio both supported you in and sat you down on one of the beds in the room.

You: Damn it guys I told you I'd be fine after I get some sleep.

Yang: Your not fine just look at your self, you could barely even walk here.

You look down to see multiple bruises and cuts on your arms and you could feel that there were most likely more on your body.

You: Ugh fine lets just get it over with.

Ruby: Well will you look at the time.

Ty: Yeah it's pretty late and we do have class in the morning.

You: What are you guys-

Akio: (pats Yang on back) We'll leave him to you Yang.

You and Yang stare in bewilderment as both your teams exit the room and closed the door behind them. There was a long moment of awkward silence that went by.

You: Look don't worry I'll be fine.

You try to get up only to fall back onto the bed in pain.

Yang then turns away from you and starts to walk away, at first you thought she was leaving but to your surprise she was rustling through the medicine cabinet. After a moment she comes back holding ointment and bandages.

Yang: Take off your shirt.

You: (taken aback) What?

Yang: I need to apply the ointment so take off your shirt.

You: (smirks) If you wanted me to take my clothes off you could've just asked.

Yang's face was expressionless as she waited for you to do what she asked.

You: Right shirt off. (takes off shirt)

She puts the bandages on the side of the bed and starts to apply the ointment to your bruises, her fingers felt soft against your skin, you felt you face start to get hot and avoided eye contact with her.

Yang: (breaking silence) So you have a past with Torchwick?

You: Yeah.

Yang: And that girl he was with, she seem to know you too.

You: (awkwardly) Yeah.

Yang: Were you two... close?

You hesitated but that was enough for Yang to get her answer.

Yang: I see. (Starts to apply bandages)

You: It was two years ago but trust me when I say there's nothing between me and them anymore.

Yang notices the angry on your face.

Yang: What happened?

You: (touches spider tattoo) I got screwed over.

Yang finishes up with your bandages and turns away from you again but before she walks away you grab her hand.

You: Yang, I really am sorry for what happened at the bar. I just saw you with Neptune and I guess I got a little jealous.

Yang: (still facing away) Why get jealous now? You barely showed interest in me until you won that stupid board game.

You: (sighs) Thought you deserved someone better than me.

Yang: (angry) And what now I don't?

You: You do but I'm sick of pretending that I don't have feelings for you. I know this makes me sound like a real jerk but I just wanted to get it out. It's fine if you don't feel the same way-

Suddenly Yang drops the items in her hand and spins around to face you, there were tears in her eyes but before you could say a word you throws herself on top of you and presses her lips to yours. You were too surprised to feel your body screaming out in pain  as you kissed her back.

Yang: (pulls away) You really are an idiot you know that?

You: Yeah I know.

Yang: You don't have to convince me on reasons I shouldn't like you because I've already made my choice.

You: So should we make it official?

Yang: I think we just did. (Gives you a another quick kiss)

You: Thats great. (Tears in eye)

Yang: (chuckles) Are those tears of joy?

You:.... Nope just very intense pain.

Yang: (realization) Oh my god I'm sorry, totally forgot.

You: (groans) Eh I've been through worse, anyway I think I'll just crash here for the night.

Yang: (smiles) I would offer to stay but I'm sure the school nurse wouldn't approve if she saw us together in the morning.

You: (chuckles) Het can you just do me a favor and sit with me till I fall asleep.

Yang: Sure.

You laid down in the infirmary bed as Yang pulls up a chair next to you.

You: (sleepily) Yang I still have one question.

Yang: What is it?

You: Did you really not have any reaction to seeing me shirtless.

Yang: (blushing) To be honest it took more self control than I thought I had not to just stare.

You: (laughs) Heh knew it. (Drifts off to sleep)

Yang: (rolls eyes and kisses your cheek) Night you dork.

Chapter End

Twice as Bright Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader (Vol 2)Where stories live. Discover now