chapter 15

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~lucy p.o.v~ (Thursday)

my feet stop moving and so does my mind Natsu looks confused at me and a name leaves my mouth 

"sting..." I mutter as I look at the boy in front of me who is laughing with his back turn to me he seemed to be talking to a girl around my age and when he turns around his laugher stops and his eyes widen as he sees me 

" I mutter as I look at the boy in front of me who is laughing with his back turn to me he seemed to be talking to a girl around my age and when he turns around his laugher stops and his eyes widen as he sees me 

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"lucy is that you?..." he asks and I look at him frozen on the spot as he walks towards me and the girl that was with him seems to get visibly jealous but doesn't act on it and so does Natsu. 

"Earth to lucy?" He says and i feel my eyes start to water 

"sting...." I say and hug him and he wraps his arms around me back 

"i missed you sis," He says 

"i missed you too bro," I say as tears start streaming down my face out of happiness 

"How are you here i thought you were in an only girls boarding school" sting says and I smile sadly 

"i never went to school sting i was stuck in a room by dad adn ms S and they only gave me rice nothing else but thanks to this boy i got out," I say and pull Natsu towards me

"hi im sting im lucys brother nice to meet you?..." sting says 

"Natsu nice to meet you sting," Natsu says and the girl appears 

"Hey my name is Yukino and I'm stings girlfriend, nice to meet you lucy," the girl says the jealousy and envy gone from her eyes

"hey Yukino im glad that someone is taking care of my idiotic brother," I say in a joking manner 

"That was uncalled for sis" sting calls out 

"oh please, anyways guess what?" I say exited 

"what?" sting asks 

"im finally going to school at the age of sixteen," I say sighing 

"yup anyways me and Yukino need to go we should catch up sometime sis," sting says and I nod my head 

"yeah when?" I ask

"sometime after you school is done, and I can come and pick you up," he says and I look at Natsu 

"school ends at 2:00pm and we go to fairytail highschool of performing arts," Natsu says 

"Thanks, man and see you later lucy" sting says and him and Yukino walk into some room to see their movie and Natsu and I leave the cinema and surprisingly his mom is waiting for us. I look at Natsu and he winks at me 

"i asked her too plus its starting to rain and you're wearing a white shirt and we wouldn't want any embarrassing moment would we?" Natsu asks and I nod 

"How was the movie?"   she asks 

"it was great," I say happily and she laughs 

"that's good, by the way, lucy your clothes are in a backpack in Natsu's room when you get there that's erza spear uniform, and also you guys dinner will be ready when we get home and since its a school night you will be going straight to bed after" she says giving off a mom vibe which i haven't felt in a long time and I was happy to feel 

"but mommm" Natsu whines 

"no Natsu when we get back you are eating then going to bed," his mom says and he gives up in protesting against her. 

we arrive back at his house and we see his family sitting down at the table and me and Natsu find a seat next to each other and we start eating 

"Okay spill it," guildarts says and we look at home 

"are you and lucy dating?" he asks and I spit out my food with force and caught and Natsu blushes and looks dawn 

"no we aren't" He answers and i notice the sadness in his voice and he then mutters something inaudible 

"sureeee" guildarts says disbelievingly and igneel look at him 

"dont worry they will tell us eventually but leave them alone for now," he says and I mentally sigh thankfully 

"anyways I think its time that we head to bed," Natsu says

"y-yeah" I stutter and rush upstairs with Natsu tailing me 

"s-sorry about t-that" Natsu stutters embarrassed 

"i-its o-okay," I say red as a tomato and i head to my mattress and lay there trying to fall asleep but sadly it doesn't work. but luckily for Natsu it does and I hear him sleeping and i sigh and go over to the window and see that if i stood up on the railing i could reach the roof and so i climbed up on to the roof and looked at the stars naming constellations in the sky and at some reason i fell asleep on the roof but since it was a warm night i wasn't cold  at all. I woke up to screaming from inside the house 

"WHERE IS LUCY" Natsu screams seeing my empty bed and everyone rushes to his room 

"how do you not know where she is your her roommate" wendy yells worried 

"Hey, it's not my fault that I'm a deep sleeper i didnt hear a thing okay?" Natsu says defensively  

"anyways do you think she could be up already?" guildarts asks 

"I'll go outside and see if she went somewhere outside" wendy volunteers and everyone leaves looking for me and I use this time to go inside as nothing happened and when Natsu turns around im back into the room 

"WHERE WERE YOU!" he screams and I plug my ears 

"in a secret place," I say and head to the bag with my uniform and head into the shower and take a quick one while Natsu tells everyone that im okay. I quietly sigh and finish showering and get dressed. my eyes widen as I see myself in the mirror surprised at what I looked like i turned away and started my descent downstairs where everyone was 

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