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Then those days I had to go to a school trip to Spain. I didn’t want to go abroad because I wanted to save money to go to Korea for my beloved, I had even stopped going to Taekwondo classes, I couldn't stand the idea I was wasting my money when I had to gain and work in summer for her, to reach her. My plan was to reach her after my fifth year of high school, so that I would have attended university there and stayed with her all the time. I wished I could go already, but school… I’d have to leave everything for her, it was such a huge sacrifice and I didn’t feel ready to do it..
In the end I went to Spain anyway, my mum said we would have found the money anyway because my aunts would have helped me. We went to Valencia, being on the plane was so amazing, I told Jiwoo I had never been in a plane and that I was so scared of being in one and she said that everytime she’s in a plane, she’s frightened.
The clouds from up there, and the sea, the countryside, the houses.. it was so beautiful, so unreal. I couldn’t believe it, I was finally stepping in the sky. On the plane there was a girl around 20 years whom I talked with a little, she was sitting near me and was going to Spain for an Erasmus project, which is a project that usually brings you abroad to do something there and study at the same time.
I slept a little. The start and the ending of the flight were awesome, they were similar to a roller coaster, but it was disappointing, roller coaster was much more fun.
We landed, we met our family, it was such a special family. The father was Spanish, but he lived his youth in Belgium and then came in Valencia, the mother was Cuban and they have four children, all of them are adopted: one is Chinese, two were black and the other was Ecuadorian. They also had a dog, it was so cute and in the house there was another guest. He wasn’t a foreigner though, he was from northern Italy.
The family was so kind and the food they gave us was so tasty. We stayed in Valencia for a week, I’ve shown Jiwoo so many pics about the place and she told me she really wished to go to Spain someday.
During that week we had fun, we visited the city, many museums and typical places like the aquarium and the old city. The place was awesome, because the land was red and there was a particular smell in the air, smell of food. We also went to a school for foreign people who want to learn Spanish, there we met a lot of foreigners. Lots of them were from East Asia, almost everyone was Chinese or Korean. But I’ve been unlucky, I was put in a classroom were there was only one foreigner and all the others were my classmates. The foreigner was a Chinese girl, here name was Li Cao. I was lucky because they paired me and her together and I could talk to her in Spanish. We had a great time together, but then they moved her to another classroom because my classmates wanted to study Spanish at a higher level and the girl wasn’t that competent.
I remember that week, which I passed mostly with Fourca, one day, coming back home, we argued. He made me angry, he always makes me angry when we’re together for too long, he starts to act rude, lazy, I hate the way he acts sometimes. So while we were returning back home by using his GPS I wanted to use it too, but he didn’t want me to use it because he said I had to believe him. Actually I just wanted to use it because I wanted to, not because I didn’t believe him so he got angry when I was using the GPS, he said it was useless to use two of them and told me that if I never believe people in life, I will end badly. He made me angry and I told cold words to him that night for the whole route. When we came back home we were still angry to each other and we went to sleep, silently.
The pain of the argument soon faded away and we slowly started to talk more friendly again. He shared some songs with me for example.
Till the day we had to return back home.

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