Chapter Ten {Surprise, Surprise!}

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Chapter Ten

{Surprise, Surprise!}


So, this whole week I will be trying to work on the fourth book in this serious (I haven't even started it...). Friday I get out at 1:30 and will be home around 2:20-2:30. I'll try to update then and then I HAVE to go work with my Morgan because my brother is hopefully coming on Friday night and I need to work with her to show off xD


From: Simon

Katrina-We don’t need you to be our opening act anymore. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and we will pay you the amount due for the couple of real days of work you did with our band, One Direction. It would be best if you deleted all of your social networking sites and made new ones. One Direction fans wouldn’t be able to find you as easy then. Also, it would be best if you didn’t have any contact with any of our five boys. One Direction will be told the same and we’re hoping they follow this rule or their jobs will be in jeopardy. If you do get questions asked about your work with One Direction, please ignore it. It will be the best for One Direction, if you love them as much as you claim to.

-Simon Cowell’s Secretary

                I stare at the text on my phone, my mouth dropped so wide that a million flies could fly in. I just got fired. I just got fucking fired from my own job! I couldn’t call Ammie. The only people to call were my parents, people I didn’t talk to as much as I should.

                When they finally answered, I was taken aback by the quiet in the background. “Katrina?”

                “Mum? Dad?” I manage to choke out as tears come down my cheeks. My parents and I didn’t stay in contact a lot because I was always on the go and so were they. My mum is a photographer and my dad is a producer. They’re always doing something; it was the same way when I was growing up.

                “Katrina, baby! We’ve missed you so much.” Mum squeals through the phone and I turn it on speaker, leaning against the wall behind my bed. The blanket was curled up to my chin and fluffy pillows surrounded me like water surrounds an island.

                “KATRINA?” Ryan shouts from the hall and I hear heavy footsteps coming towards the door.

                “I’ll FaceTime you guys in a little, okay?” I hurry out the words, slurring them together. Both of them nod and I hang up, looking up right as the door crashes open. Ryan’s makeup runs down her face, black surrounding her like raccoon eyes. She looks like shit, plain and simple.

                “Look at this, now!” Ryan snaps, shoving her phone in my face. I grab it, setting my phone down next to me. Starting to read, I feel a little déjà vu.

From: Uncle Simon

Ryan-We don’t need you to tour with our band, One Direction, anymore. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and we will pay you the amount due that we owe for your time with One Direction. It would be best if you deleted all of your social networking sites and made new ones if you really wanted them. One Direction fans wouldn’t be able to find you as easy then. Also, it would be best if you didn’t have any contact with any of our five boys. One Direction will be told the same and we’re hoping they follow this rule or their jobs will be in jeopardy. If you do get questions asked about your work with One Direction, please ignore it. It will be the best for One Direction, if you love them as much as you claim to.

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