Chapter Twenty {Destruction}

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Chapter Twenty





                “HARRY EDWARD STYLES! GO GET DRESSED!” I shout, looking at the boy. At least he has a towel covering him now. Before, he was up here naked.

                “No.” He whines, laying on his stomach next to me.








                “Fine.” Harry snaps, leaving the room. I sigh, turning my attention back to my phone. It’s on Twitter. On Ryan’s Twitter…

MadHatterBabe: Secret: There never was anyone else. I only wanted you x

MadHatterBabe: I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers x

MadHatterBabe: No, we’re not dating. But, he’s still mine x

MadHatterBabe: Stoners live and stoners die. But in the end we all get high. So if in life you don’t succeed, fuck this shit and smoke some weed x

MadHatterBabe: Shoot pictures, not people x

MadHatterBabe: Call me old fashioned, but I actually take relationships seriously x

SingForLife: @MadHatterBabe – Babe, r u ok? Lmfao x

MadHatterBabe: @SingForLife just peachy(; x

                I put my arms through the robe on the chair next to me and slip my feet into my fluffy slippers. Padding downstairs, I go into the living room and find Ryan and Zayn in there. Ryan’s eyes are red and puffy again. This isn’t good.

                “What’s wrong?” I ask Ryan but instead of Ryan answering, it’s Zayn.

                “Tom left her in the middle of the night. All his stuff is gone and he left her a voicemail on her phone saying he’s sorry but he can’t do it anymore.” Zayn sighs, grabbing Ryan’s phone from the table and clicking a few things. A moment later, he’s playing the voicemail.

                “Hey. It’s Tom. I’m so sorry. I can’t do this anymore though. It’s noticeable that you and Louis still have feelings for each other. The whole world noticed before I did. I’m that oblivious. I love you and still do. I know you love me but Louis was there first. He deserves you. Promise me you will invite me to your wedding? Bye. Love you, Ry.” And with that, Tom Daley’s voicemail ends.

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