Three in One Day

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Timo caught onto them before anyone else. They saw him wandering some of the higher platforms aimlessly, almost like he was trying to just think by himself. Being as logical as they were, they decided to attack him.
Of course, he saw it coming from a mile away. He had to, he wasn't present when they looked for him. They stood in a sad triangle and looked around, not seeing the octoling spying on them from behind a grate. "Where'd he go?" Dan questioned first.
"Maybe you scared him away." Fyrus suggested, looking around a block.
Jay rolled his eyes, "No, Dan isn't scary or threatening."
"Good point."
"What are you trying to say?" Dan asked dramatically, "I can't believe you."
"Your loss!"
Timo chose that moment to throw the grate at them. It didn't get to hit them, though, since Fyrus used his clawed hand to cut it in half at the perfect second. They spun to look at Timo, who watched them patiently. Fyrus' ink formed larger claws over his own and Jay's made an e-liter, but the spikes on Dan's arms just glew and grew to pass his fingers. Timo didn't even shift, the only thing moving was his parasite. It was still for a while, even when Dan turned to look at the others questioningly. Suddenly, Timo launched himself at them. He ducked behind and around the blocks and grates, not giving them any kind of clear shot. He appeared by Jay first, slashing through the sniper and causing it to burst into black ink. It didn't have time to reform before Timo knocked Jay out of the way, the parasite swinging for Dan. Fyrus' claws interrupted the attack, hitting the spike away and sending Timo to hide between blocks.
"You alright, Jay?" Fyrus asked, looking to him as he began to fire tentamissiles.
"Yeah, I'm good." The explosions of ink from behind and around blocks forced Octoboy out from his hiding spot, into the open where he went for Fyrus. They were at a standstill of blocking and striking, ending when Jay went up behind the enemy with a splattershot. Dan went next, using the spikes on his arms almost like a shield while he tackled Timo.
A few seconds after, Dan asked, "How long do we have to do this?"
"Until he's not a raging squid monster."
"How long is that?"
Timo shook his head when he got away from Dan, then leapt at Fyrus. With his infected hand, Fyrus held both of the spiked limbs of his parasite, then Dan and Jay each took one of his arms. Everything stopped again, though Timo looked between them slowly, seemingly judging something.
"What now?" Dan asked.
Jay suggested, "I got you two back by knocking you out."
"Is there any other way to do it? There must be an easier way."
Timo sighed, "Ree-bo..."
"You don't get a say."
"Try hitting the parasite." Fyrus suggested. Dan followed the suggestion, using the spike on his arm to cut the creature. It caused Octoboy's parasite instantly writhe away from Fyrus, hitting him and the other two a few feet away. He fell onto the ground and held himself up by his hands until his parasite stopped going insane. He looked up at them again and stood up with a guilty expression.
"That was all we had to do the entire time?" Jay exclaimed in disbelief.
Dan countered, "You hit me in the head for nothing?"
"I was in a coma for nothing!"
"Get over it!" Fyrus shouted at them.
"He hit me with an explosher!"
"I'm about to do it again!"
"E-Nah!" Timo got their attention, then pointed past one of the blocks. As their attention was drawn to it, a shadow vanished behind it.
Dan led the way, Fyrus sighing, "Two in one day?"
They cut around a second corner, spotting Etce as his parasite got him far above them. He turned and glared at Timo, then took a running start and leapt to the platform near his. Fyrus—with his infected hand—took Jay's hood. "What are you-" Jay was cut off from Fyrus hardly hesitating in literally throwing him up to the ledge Timo had begun to climb with his spiked limbs.
"Go after him!" Fyrus hinted with so much subtlety.
"On it!" Jay responded before running after Etce and completing the same jump, followed closely by Timo. They dodged around corners, guided by the loud thumping of Etce's shoes. The steps suddenly stopped, replaced temporarily by a loud crash. They whirled around the corner to see that Etce was facing them, two massive pieces of the block behind him now sitting at his sides. He would have looked calm, had it not been for the crazy look the parasite gave his eyes. Just above him, two figures landed on the block. It was Vian, who landed crouching, and Gab, who had his ink sphere circling him. Jay stepped back at the sight, contrary to Timo, who stepped to the side a little to be in front of him. Vian huffed a bit, then pointed to Octoboy. One of his stakes of ink shot towards Timo, but didn't allow him to dodge when it burst into a million small points. The octoling was flung backwards, past Jay, with nothing but some surprised squidspeak. Vian nodded to Gab. Gab closed his eyes, causing the ink sphere to grow and shift. It encased the pair, disappearing before anyone could tell they left.
"You okay?" Jay asked Timo, half of his focus on each friend present. His response didn't come. Octoboy didn't look up before he jumped to his feet, whirling on Jay. The noticeable change was three green spikes where Vian had hit him—his left shoulder. He wasted no time swiping at Jay, taking advantage of his confusion. Jay stumbled back, his ink flying up to create a splattershot. Instead, the pair of them jumped towards him, nearly instantly cornering him. He made a dynamo roller and held it up, more of to shield himself than attack them.
He didn't have to worry about it. They both were launched into the air suddenly, then thrown into opposing walls. Sagaci appeared beside him, "Am I too late or just in time?"
"Just in time, thanks."
She rolled her eyes, "You needed me, don't deny it."
"I didn't." Jay pointed to Etce, who was already stalking back over to them. "He might, though."
"I'll get him, you get Timo."
"Consider it done." The dynamo turned to the e-liter he had not yet been able to use, its small laser settling on the octoling staring back. Sagaci jumped forward, her parasite wrapping around Etce again to toss him towards Timo, causing them to roll across the floor again. Before Octoboy could get up again, the green on his shoulder shattered, and so did the e-liter. Sagaci and Etce had reached a standstill, their parasites immobilizing the other.
Luckily, it was at that moment that Fyrus came around the corner. He leapt behind Etce, slashing his parasite where the rest of it was incapable to defend. The anime supervillain detached from everything else, stumbling to the side before Fyrus did the same thing again. This time he fell over, then sat up, bewildered. "What the-? What happened?"
"Su-bay..." Timo informed them while sitting up.
Dan spun around the corner, holding up his arms to show off the spikes, "I'm here! I'm--you already got him. Okay, nevermind, then."
"So," Sagaci started, "Where do we go from here?"
"Gab is next." Dan decided, followed by Fyrus.
"We just have to separate him from Vian."
"That can't be too hard, right?" Sagaci asked, but Timo, Dan, Fyrus and Etce wore expressions that told her otherwise. "...Right?"

(...May or may not have had this ready for a while. Just curious, what days of the week would be good for everyone? I originally wanted to do maybe every week or two but if I do that I need a day of the week. So, since I can really do whatever, what's your thoughts? Thanks, bye!)

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