Chapter 8: Blessed by the angel

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It had been a few months since Clary and Jace's wedding. Now they lived in Herondale manor in Alicante, but still, they liked to spend time in New York. They spent summer in Alicante and now they came back to New York. New York was a lot more fun because in Alicante they were most of the day on Clave meetings or home. But in New York, they were hunting demons and having more fun. Alec and Magnus agreed to come as well, but for a shorter time, because both of them got a lot of it waiting for them in Alicante. In those few months, Clary and Jace have become a respected Clave members. It was probably because they were Herondale's, and Imogen Herondale was once the Inquisitor, or because they were friends of the actual Inquisitor. No one dared to call Clary Valentine's daughter again. Instead, everyone got used to calling her Mrs. Herondale and Clarissa Herondale. Clary got used to her name as well. In the first two weeks when they were on honeymoon in Paris it was weird for her, but then she got used to it. "Is that all you can give me?" Jace asked as Clary attacked him with her kindjals. "What else would you want?" Clary asked when Jace blocked her attack. They were in New York institute, training. "Come on Clary, you can do better than this." "Oh well, sorry but I'm not feeling well." "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Jace's control slipped and Clary used it to bring her kindjal to the point just below his rib cage, on his heart. "Seriously Jace? Are you seriously going to fall for the easiest trick in the world?" "Okay, I think we're done today." Clary turned around and hung her kindjals in their place on the wall. She brought her hand up to her head as her headache got stronger. "Clary, are you alright?" "No, I'm-I'm seriously not feeling well." Then she fell. She was woken up back in their bedroom, Jace and Magnus talking near the bed. She heard a glimpse of what they were talking about. She heard the words "Okay" "Hot" and "Know." When Jace noticed she woke up he hurried to the bed and took her hand. "What happened?" Clary sat up and asked confused. "You passed out. How are you?" "I-I'm fine I guess." "Can you please give us a second?" Magnus asked and Jace just nodded. He gripped Clary's hand and left. "We have to talk, biscuit," Magnus started, "About what is your real problem." "What is it?" "Well, Jace wanted me to look for the source of your not being well, and destroy it. Well, I have found it but I couldn't destroy it so I had to lie to him." "Why couldn't you destroy it? Magnus, I don't understand." "I couldn't destroy it because, because it's a child. You are pregnant Clary." Clary's eyes widened in shock. "Pregnant? Are you sure Magnus?" "Of course I am.  I'm the high warlock of Alicante. I don't make mistakes." She let out a deep breath before walking to the door and yanking it open. Jace was nervously walking around the hall, deep in thought. When he heard the door get opened he quickly turned around. "Clary, are you okay?" She couldn't find words so she just walked over to him and hugged him as tight as she could. "What happened?" he asked as he pulled her a bit away, her face in his hands. "Jace I-I'm pregnant." she let out on one breath. She felt his breath catch in his lungs. A faint smile formed on his face. "What? Clary are you serious? It's the best thing that could happen." He picked her up and swung her in the air. "I love you." she said as he put her back on her feet. "I Love you too Clary." he said before clutching her tight and their lips meeting in a kiss. The happiness they both shared was indescribable.  "We should probably tell the others." Clary suggested. "Okay, just go get changed, you don't want the whole institute seeing you in underwear and sweater." Clary looked down on herself and started laughing. "What?" Jace asked laughing as well. He always loved hearing her laugh because it assured him that she is still here and that she wasn't ripped away from him again. "It's just, I haven't even noticed what I was wearing." Jace stopped laughing and kissed her softly on her lips. Clark pulled away and smiled against his lips. "I'll be right back."
"Clary, Jace, good you are here, we were just about to get you. There was a demon attack, one mundane is dead, 2 seriously injured." Alec announced as they came down to the main hall. Jace's eyes looked into Clary's and she gave him a smile saying "it's okay". Jace shook his head and opened his mouth to speak but Clary was faster. "Alright, just let me grab my kindjals." "I'll go with her." Jace announced. Alec gave them a suspicious look but didn't ask anything. They were silent all the way to the training room until Jace broke the silence. "Clary are you insane?!" he asked. "It's probably going to be a hard mission, what if something happens to you?! Or the child?" He was obviously annoyed at her for deciding to go. "Jace, relax. We just learned and besides, Magnus said that I'm just in the first month. I'm going to be fine. And Jace, I'm a Shadowhunter. I don't think Shadowhunter women stop going on missions when they are like in the first month of pregnancy." Jace let out a sigh and reached for her hands. "I know, I just, ever since that night you left all of sudden I worry about you a lot. And now it's not just one special live I'm worried about but two." "You know, we should probably go, otherwise Alec will get suspicious." When they came back Alec was all ready and waiting for them. "Are you ready?" he asked. "We're Nephilim Alec when it comes to protecting mundane's there is nothing as not being ready for us."  They were running several minutes until they arrived. There were two wrath demons and 3 demons they haven't seen before. Demons were trying to kill some mundanes. In the far corner of the alley was a man in a long coat. He looked like he was coordinating the demons with magic, or defending himself from them because no demon dared to attack him. He was probably a warlock, although he didn't look like one. When demons saw them they all left the mundanes and attacked them. There was much of them, and the other kind was harder to kill, but the three of them weren't amateurs. Jace and Alec were still fighting them, but there were no more left so Clary went after the man. "Mr. are you alright?" she asked. He didn't reply, just kept chanting and making spell. Clary stepped closer, this time close enough to hear what he was chanting. He was speaking in one of the demon languages, not the warlock kind, but much darker and ancient one. Clary wanted to take a step back because she was way too close, but it was way too late. The man picked up his sight from a point where it was pinned in the ground and looked at her. In the first moment, Clary thought about screaming. His eyes were all white and lifeless. Terror found its way into every corner of her body and made her take a step back. For splinter of a second, she saw her own mother standing in front of her, but before she could register it she was gone and replaced by this demonic man. "You," the man said, his voice sounding like sandpaper scraping something. "The blessed by the angel. I've been locked up for a thousand years, I won't let the weapon of light take my freedom. I wonder, will the angel like it when I kill you, and then slowly, one after one all of his children until this world will belong only to me and my helpers." he took a break before continuing. "I guess we will have to find out." he said with a devilish grin spreading through his face. He took a step forward, then another and another until Clary was pinned to the wall, hoping she would save herself. Man pulled up his arm, black sparks of energy started shining when a blade buried in his chest, stopping just a few centimeters from Clary's own. Blood started pouring from man's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth covering ground underneath him in it. He fell on his knees and then dead. Jace's eyes were shining gold, and every single rune on his body did as well. Runes on his sword were shining as well. Moments later the blade crumbled into small pieces. Jace looked at Clary and took a step to her. Tears were running down her cheeks, tears of sadness from almost dying, tears of happiness of surviving and tears of joy of being able to see Jace once again. He pulled her closer and she wrapped her hands around his waist, silently sobbing into his shoulder.  "Shhh, it's okay Clary, I'm here. It's okay. You are safe." She looked up into his eyes and feeling of safety and love fulfilled her.

"How did you do it?" Alec asked after Clary left upstairs to shower. "Do what?" Alec looked around making sure no one wasn't in weapon room with them. He leaned closer to Jace's ear and silently whispered. "The thing with the sword. There is no Shadowhunter who could do it. Only an angel could." "Well, maybe it's because of my angel blood. I mean, I can activate my runes without stele so why couldn't I activate those runes. Besides, I'm partly an angel." Alec shook his head, his brown hair flying around. "No, you couldn't. Jace, having extra angel blood doesn't make you angel. And I can feel that there is something you are not telling me. Were parabatai, remember? I can feel when you are hiding something from me." Jace sighed. "The thing I'm hiding from you is that Clary is pregnant." Alec froze for a moment before laughing and lulling in Jace for a hug. "Congratulations Jace, I didn't expect this." "Then what did you expect?" "To be honest, I expected that you would say that you are hiding from me some addiction to angel blood or whatever." Jace laughed. His whole existence felt less tense knowing that there is not a thing that would stay unsaid between him and his parabatai. "But please, don't tell Izzy. I think it's Clary's job to tell her and Simon. After all, Izzy is Clarys parabatai, not mine." "I just, I still can't believe it. You are becoming a father." Jace put on a horrified look. "You know Alec, from you it sounds truly horrifying. I haven't even thought about the future. What if I'll fail my children like Valentine did? After all, they say we are copies of people that raised us. Alec, that man raised me. What if I won't be a good father?" Alec gone serious and gently put his hand on Jace's shoulder. "Look, Valentine was not the only person who raised you. Our mother did as well. And no matter what did Valentine plant in you, Clary wasn't raised by him. She will be here for you, helping you fix your mistakes. That's what she always does." "Thank you, Alec. I don't know what I would do without you." "Oh, I think that's what parabatai are for, isn't it? Helping each other when they get lost?" Jace softly laughed before tapping his shoulder. "I'm gonna go after her, bye." Alec nodded and quickly replied before Jace could completely disappear. "Bye"
I'm really sorry for being gone for so long, I just wasn't in the mood to write about happiness and stuff like that. Love y'all❤️

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