(3) The Pool Party

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It was finally the weekend again. The girls were all headed to Sam's house. His parents were out of town to visit his sister in California. So he said he was hosting the first party of the season.

He asked the girls to set up everything while he and the boys did a liquor run. Sawyer and Daisy were fixing up the jello shots. Natasha and Bobbi were making vodka soaked gummi bears. Wanda blowing up the pool pong float Sawyer ordered.

Val and Carol set up the blackout table and Drunk Uno. Sawyer and Nat stepped out side to smoke a cigarette. They were also discussing where to put the coolers.

They finally had everything set up. The boys came in with ice and liqour. Bucky and Steve carried the two kegs outside. Natasha got the fish bowl out of her car that was labeled keys.

She took everyone's keys away and put them in the fish bowl. Sawyer put ice in the pool pong cooler and put Coronas in it. She and Bucky lined up the liqour for the blackout table with shot glasses in the middle.

They sat out everything they made just everyone that was invited came in. They all knew the rules they filled the fishbowl with keys. Jason came in he was invited cause he was the kicker on the football team. He had Brianna his new girl on his arm.

Sawyer rolled her eyes as she walked out to play pool pong with Bobbi. She had a cigarette in her mouth as she got in the pool. Sam turned on the sound system outside.

Both girls were dancing and singing as they played. The boys came out to see how the float was going to work.

"Come on baby she is kicking your ass." Clint said to Bobbi.

"Cause she is the fucking pitcher for the softball team. Im just the catcher." Bobbi said

"I win! Thanks Clint.." Sawyer said as she swam to the side to light up again.

"I thought you quit.." she heard a familar voice say.

She got out the pool when Jason swam towards her. She got her drink and smokes to go back inside after she dried off. Jason said "Okay then..this will be a fun night." in a low tone.

Sawyer did some jello shots with Natasha and Daisy. "Pony" started to play the girls jumped up on the kitchen table as they started to dance.

"A single Sawyer is dangerous.." Sam said to Clint. "A drunk single Sawyer is even more dangerous." Sam said

"Shake it girls.." Bucky said as he walked over to where the boys were. When he yelled it got all the boys attention.

"Ow ow!! Whoo!!" All the boys yelled as they whistled. Jason came in when Brianna pulled him inside. He shook his head when he saw Sawyer dancing on Natasha.

After they were done dancing she did more jello shots. Bucky came over to her. "Time for our favorite game Sawyer.." he said

They went into the living room.

"BLACKOUT!!" Bucky yelled

He put the blacklight on after everyone that wanted to play came in. Sawyer gave everyone a shot glass. "Ladies first.." Bucky said as he gave her the empty vodka bottle.

"Oh aren't you in a generous mood." She said

"Well I wanted to say big boobs or big balls." He said as "Whatever You Like" started to play.

She spun the bottle it laided on a bottle of patron tequila. She poured her shot and slammed it back. Everyone took their turns of spinning.

Once they were all done with that game. She found the girls dancing in the kitchen. "Lets play truth or dare." Sawyer said as she mixed another fireball and coke.

"Sounds good." Nat said

They started to go around the dining room to have more room. "Sawyer who out of all your girlfriends would you make out with?" Bucky said

She smirked and walked over to Bobbi grabbed her face as they started to make out. "Whoa.." Clint said

"Boobs boobs boobs." Some of the boys started to chant.

They were both smiling against the kiss then let go. "Sorry Clint your girl is hot.." she said

"Thanks." Clint said as she went back to her spot.

They continued to go around the room. Natasha came into the dining room before Bucky's turn. "I already know you are going to pick dare..so I dare you to pick any girl in this room to do a body shot off of." Natasha as she hands him a tequila shot.

He looked around the room. "Ladies show me your stomaches and boobs. That includes you little Rogers." Bucky said

"God help me." He whispered as he grabbed Sawyer. "You are the only one with big enough boobs to put this here." He said as he stuck the shot glass in her cleavage.

Nat gave the lime to her Bucky put the salt on her stomach as she laid on the table. "Damn little Rogers." Another player said

Bucky began to lick the salt up she gasped. "Sit still.." he whispered.

He pulled the shot out and slammed it back. He grabbed the lime with his mouth. Once he got off of her he helped her up. She pulled her shirt back on.

The game finished up after another round. Everyone started to dance around as they were all started to lose momentium. Some of the guests were starting to crash out in bedrooms.

Bucky went outside to get some air. He had a bottle of Crown Royal and his smokes. Sawyer came outside with her fireball and smokes. Bucky sat up when he felt the diving board moving.

"Hey..what are you doing out here?" He said

"Where else would I be?" She said as she lit up.

"With Jason?" He said as he stole one of her smokes.

"Shows how much you pay attention." She said as she pulled out her bong and baggie.

"Whoa whoa..Sawyer? You do this?" He said as he watched her pack it.

"Uh yeah..want some?" She said as she took a hit.

"Hell yeah I do." He said as he took his lighter out of his pocket.

"Why did you and Jason?" He said as he gave it back to her.

"Isn't it obivious..he wanted to be with someone else." She said as she did her turn.

They were taking sips of their bottles in between hits. Bucky threw his empty bottle of Crown into the pool. He pulled her closer by putting her legs over his thighs.

"Hi.." she said as he pulled her closer into his lap.

"Hi.." he whispered

"You are so high..your eyes are red." She said with a giggle.

He let out a chuckle "So are yours.." he said as their foreheads were together.

"Mmmm god you look good tonight..he is a god damn idiot." Bucky said as he squeezed her ass cheeks.

They both were fighting the urge to kiss as they sat out there alone. They finally gave in to temptation.

He moved to her neck he began to suck and nibble. "I wanna take you to bed..to fuck you..mmm make you scream claim this ass." He whispered.

She felt him growing beneath her. "We can go in the guest house nobody will ever know..we probably wont even remember tomorrow morning." He whispered as they kissed.

"Do you have latex free condoms?" She said

"Always darlin..they are in my truck." He whispered as he kissed her.

"Mmm meet me in the guest house then." She whispered as they kissed again.

"Mmm gladly." He whispered as she got up and he went to his truck.

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