(12) It's A Girl!

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7 months later..

"Baby..baby wake up..I think your water broke." Bucky said as he shook Sawyer awake.

"Mmm James..whats wrong?" She said

"Baby either you peed the bed or your water broke." He said

She went to set up "James..get your mom..something doesnt feel right.." she said through pain.

Bucky went running down the hall. "Mom! mom wake up something's wrong! Sawyer's water broke she said that something feels wrong!" He said in a raised tone.

"Ahhh oh god!!" Sawyer yelled

Bucky Winnie and James all went running. Winnie went to check her cervix. "Get Sarah and Joe up here now..she is crowning. Sawyer honey why didnt you wake up anyone.." Winnie said

"I was sleeping. I didnt know I was having contractions. I didnt even know my water broke till Bucky woke me up." She said

James and Bucky took off in Bucky's truck down the road. James pounded on their front door. They didnt care that it was 2 in the morning.

"James little James.." Joe said

"Get dressed Sarah too. Sawyer is in labor like having a home a birth labor hurry up.." James said

"What?" Sarah said as she came up behind Joe.

"We are coming.."Joe said as they got in his truck. They all drove back up the road to Bucky's house.

Bucky came running back into his room. "James Joe I need you two to take her to the guest room. So she doesnt ruin the bed. I have already fixed it with towels." Winnie said

They got her moved carefully. "James Buchanan get behind her okay..we are bringing this baby into the world like I did another baby 18 years ago yesterday." Winnie said remembering how she brought Bucky into the world at a base house with Aiden and Becca helping her bring their little brother into the world.

10 minutes later...

"Its a girl..we have us a grand daughter.." Sarah said as Winnie held her up.

Both Bucky and Sawyer were crying. Bucky wiped some of her sweaty hair out of Sawyer's face. He kissed her "I love you baby. You were amazing." He whispered as Sarah cleaned up their daughter.

"Here you go mama and daddy. Your baby girl is here." Sarah said as she was all cleaned up dressed wrapped in a pink blanket.

"Bailey Reese Barnes." They both whispered as she made cooing noises.

Bucky wiped more tears as he looked down at his daughter. "She is beautiful baby just like her mama." He whispered

She looked over at her shoulder at him. "I love you James Buchanan." She whispered

"I love you baby doll. And I cant wait to marry you next summer." He said as he rubbed their noses.

They went to the hospital got them checked over then they went back home. A few days later the family trickled in to see the newest addition to the family.

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