Chapter 7

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March 16th, 2020- Ten Years Ago

Hope's POV: I paced around the cell as my emotions circled around me, making it almost unbearable to breathe. Punching at the wall angrily, I quickly withdrew my hand, cursing profoundly, as tears filled my eyes. Hearing the door open, I straightened up as multiple soldiers rushed inside, half-dragging an unconscious girl in their arms.

At least, I think that she's unconscious.

Judging by how much blood is on the girl, I'd say that she wouldn't stay that way for long.

Sliding down the wall, I held my injured hand to my chest as I winced, hearing them slam the door shut as they exited the room. Leaning my head against the wall, I tried to conjure up a plan to somehow escape before a faint sound reached my ears. "Jo...", I heard someone mutter. "J...", they gasped before a wet cough left their mouth, causing me to shiver.

"Hey, are you okay", I spoke up, getting to my feet.

"J-jo", they sobbed as I felt the floor vibrate. The doors behind me swung open, causing me to jump back fearfully as Burr stormed inside.

Burr works as a general for the Triad leaders, Veronica and Terrance Greasley, who was also the Mayors and his wife. I've heard about him from my father. Apparently he had a history of killing problematic people, including his own wife and kids. He's a psychopath. He's also the same man who killed my parents and Uncle Elijah.

I followed him with my eyes as he walked next door, yanking the door open in irritation. "Stop all that racket", I heard him shout. "Who do you think you are? Some kind of royalty", he spat. "What? Do you think if you cry and whine, that you'll get anything that you want on a silver platter", he yelled, wincing as I heard the young girl scream. My muscles tensed as we walked back out, slamming the door behind him.

I held my breath, fearful that he may come back.

Hearing the girl cry quietly, I pushed down my fear with a small sigh. I knew that she wouldn't last if I didn't do anything.

Breathing deeply, I looked over at the wall separating us as I drew back my hand, punching the wall roughly as a chunk chipped off. Hitting it multiple times, I crawled through the small space before pausing as I spotted the girl laying in a hospital bed with her hands handcuffed to the sides.

She was small, most likely five or six, and had light blonde hair and blue eyes. Scrapes and bruised covered her body, but what really concerned me was the amount of blood on the young girl. "Hey", I greeted softly, trying not to scare her. I held my hands out in front of me as if trying to sooth a wild animal as she looked over at me tearfully, fear evident in her eyes.

Hearing the door open, I jumped back as my eyes landed on Burrs icy-stare. "You! What do you think you're doing here", he yelled angrily.



I groaned, opening my eyes as my head pounded painfully, almost as if someone was hitting me with a hammer. Looking around, I traced the stone walls of what looked like a prison cell as I felt my breathing spike. Attempting to sit up, I gasped as handcuffs dug into my uninjured wrist. I closed my eyes, trying to push the negative thoughts out of my head.

I knew where I was. I just never thought that I'd be back here again. To see familiar walls of my old cell. I was only here a few days, but the horrors that went down in this place still haunted me.

Looking toward the wall, my eyes traced over the small hole in the stone interior as I inhaled shakily.

I have to get out of here.

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