Part 3

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"Hey Ben!" I smile
"Oh hey, (Y/N)!"
"Did Mal give you a cookie too?" I asked
"Oh yeah. Y'know I didn't even know they made cookies." Ben said
"Oh I do. It was weird." I laugh

~ Flashback~
It was 9:30pm, half an hour till curfew. Half an hour until we won't be able to go into the kitchen any more. I had my pyjamas on but I didn't really care. No one would be in there anyways.

My best friends, Sadie and Michaela walked with me into the kitchen for a snack

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My best friends, Sadie and Michaela walked with me into the kitchen for a snack. As we walked in we saw the VK's baking something.
"Oh hey guys. Sorry, we just came in here to grab some snacks... what're you making?" I ask
"Uhm, (Y/N)?" Michaela says
"Is that the Evil Queens daughter?" She says scared
"Oh yeah... shoot sorry M." I say
"Evie. This is Michaela White. Snow Whites daughter." I say
"H-hi..." Michaela says
"Hi. Listen, I know our mothers had a rough past but I'd like to be friends." Evie smiles
"Sure." M says
"Oh, can I have some?"
I dip my finger into the mixture.
"No!" They all scream
"What? I'm not gonna double dip."
I say holding my hands up
Jay jumps off the counter and walks over to me.
"Hey there." He says
"Hi?" I say confused
He looks embarrassed and steps back
"It could use some chips." I smile
Sadie runs over to the cupboard.
"Chips?" Carlos says
"Chocolate Chips." Sadie says
"It's like the most important food group." I smile
"Wait, didn't your parents ever make you chocolate chip cookies before bed?" Michaela asks
"And when you were feeling down she's bring them to you fresh out of the oven and put everything into persepective." Sadie smiled
The VK's looked down.
"Oh... I-I'm so sorry. We didn't know..." I said
"It's just different where we're from." Mal says
"Yeah, I know." I say
"We just, you know, We thought..." Michaela says
"Even villains love their kids" we all say
"Oh my gosh."
I cover my mouth letting a tear slip down my cheek. Soon enough Mal swipes the tear from my face and rushes us out of the kitchen.
Well, that was depressing

~End of Flashback~
I lay on Evie's bed staring up at the ceiling smiling.
"What's got you all giddy, (Y/N)?"
Evie says sewing some things
"I wanna ask Carlos on a date." I say
Mal chokes on her water.
"I say go for it." Evie says
"Yeah. I mean, nothings stopping you." Mal shrugs
"Okay! I'll be right back!"
I say racing to find Carlos. I see him talking with Ben on the tourney field.
"Carlos!" I yell
He doesn't hear me. Then, I see the campus mutt, Dude chase after him. I laugh.
"Oh shit, he doesn't like dogs!" I scream
I ran after him
"CARLOS!" Ben and I call out
Carlos finds a tree and runs up it. I grab dude and cuddle him.
"(Y/N)! What are you doing? He's gonna attack you! I don't want you getting hurt!" He yells
"Carlos, have you ever met a dog?" I say
"Please come down." I quietly say
He obeys and slides down the tree.
"They're not evil Carlos."
"He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal. Jeez." He smiles
"You're a good boy, aren't you? You're a good boy."
I hand Carlos dude and sit on a nearby log
"I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island." I sigh
"Yeah. Let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs." Carlos jokes
"Well, I'm gonna leave you two lovebirds. Come find me when you're done." Ben says walking off
"Wait, (Y/N/N) why did you show up?" Carlos asks
"Oh uhm. Well I- was-." I sigh
"Iwasgonnaaskyouonadate." I say quickly
"I was gonna ask you on a date, okay." I sigh
"Oh. How about tonight at 8pm?" Carlos replies
"Okay. Pick me up at Mal and Evie's dorm."
I stand up and give him a kiss on the cheek and run to Mal and Evie's room. I open the door quickly.
"I DID IT! I ASKED HIM." I shout
"What did he say?" Mal asks
"He said he'd pick me up at 7pm here." I lay down on the bed
"Well, I'm gonna make you a dress for tonight!" Evie squeals jumping up and down in her seat
I giggle
"I guess I could do your hair and make up." Mal sighs
I jump up and sit at Evie's makeup station as Mal grabs her spell book.
"You don't look scared." Mal says
"Why would I be?" I ask
"Because I'm holding my spell book? I could do something bad or hurt you." She questions
"But you wouldn't." I state
"Wow. Thanks for trusting me, (Y/N)." Mal smiles
Mal flips through her spell book and lands her finger on a page.
"Beware for swear replace the old with cute hair."
Mal flicks her finger left, right, up the down. I look up and see my hair.
"Oh my gosh! Mal I love it!"

(If you have short hair just ignore this)"Your outfit is done, (Y/N)!" Evie calls outI grab the dress and my trainers and dash into the bathroom

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(If you have short hair just ignore this)
"Your outfit is done, (Y/N)!" Evie calls out
I grab the dress and my trainers and dash into the bathroom. I walk out, Mal and Evie's jaws drop.
"So? What'dya think?" I smile
"You look bangin'! Carlos is lucky!" Evie says
"Thanks, E." I smile again

" I smile again

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