Part 4

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Knock, knock
Evie squealed.
"He's here!"
Evie runs up to the door and opens it.
"Hey Ev~"
Carlos got cut off by Evie dragging him in. I look down as he stares at me.
"H-hi." He manages to get out
"Hey." I say blushing
"Y-you look really nice.." he smiles
"You're not so bad yourself."
He's wearing red jeans, a white top and a black leather jacket.

" He's wearing red jeans, a white top and a black leather jacket

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I suddenly became more confident
"You ready?" He says
"Yep." I say
"Oh, before we go... I uhm. I got you something."
Carlos pulls a dragon statue out from his pocket and places it in my hand.
"Woah. Carlos it's so beautiful..."
I look at it in awe.
"Evie." I say not looking up
"Please look after this until I get back." I say handing it to her
"Will do. Now, go have fun! Bye!"
Evie says pushing us out
Carlos pulls me out of the school and stops.
"Why'd we stop?" I ask
"Uhm I want it to be a suprise."
Carlos walked behind me and pulled a blindfold over my eyes.
(Oh now that's kinky. I'm so sorry I had to-)
"Wha- Carlos- I cant see." I pout
"That's the point, Princess." He chuckles
I blush at the nick name he gives me. Carlos grabs my hands and leads me to where he planned to take us. As we were climbing down some rocks I slipped. I scrunched my face ready for the impact but... I didn't feel anything. But I felt a pair of hands around my waist.
"I got you. Don't worry."
Carlos whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.
"T-thank y-you..." I say quietly
"No problem. I mean, what are boyfriends for?" He says
My face flushes red. I think. I can't see
We keep walking, just more careful this time until Carlos stops. He takes the blindfold off and I see that we're at a beach. The stairs were lined with Candles and so was the sand. In the distance there was a blanket with a picnic basket on it.

 In the distance there was a blanket with a picnic basket on it

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"Carlos..." I start walking down "This is beautiful."
"Only the best for the best." He smiles
"Also..." he pauses "I-I heard you can sing..."
I blush
"How did you know?" I laugh
"Ben told me.. c-can you sing for me?"
Carlos said as he sat down on the blanket.
"Of course." I followed him and shivered
"Oh, here."
Carlos took his jacket off and wrapped it round my shoulders.
"Thank you, Carlos." I smile
(Play the song now)

Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin

If I can't help falling in love with you?

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes

Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too

For I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes

Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too

For I can't help falling in love with you

For I can't help falling in love with you...

"Th-that was really beautiful..." Carlos said
I laugh looking down.
"It really wasn't but.. thank you."
"No, it was. I loved that so much. You are so good at singing." Carlos exclaimed
Carlos moves closer to me as the waves crashed back and forth. Gosh it was a whole dream come true
"This is such a nice place. Thank you for bringing me here, Carlos." I whispered
"It is. When I first came here, I felt the urge to bring someone here...and I knew it was going to be you." He agreed
"I think I'm going to go for a swim." I said
"Wanna come?
"Sure. I'll join you in a minute." Carlos sighed closing his eyes
"Okay." I take a deep breath and kick my trainers off and slide my dress off. I wink at Carlos because I caught him staring, he looked away all flushed and I giggled. I didn't know we were going to the beach so I didn't bring a swim suit but my underwear kind of looked like some so I just rolled with it.

 I didn't know we were going to the beach so I didn't bring a swim suit but my underwear kind of looked like some so I just rolled with it

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(This is what you wore)
I turned towards the sea and strutted across the sandy beach, feeling Carlos' gaze on me. I stepped into the water, flinching at the cool touch of the waves.
"Come on Carlos! Join me!" I yelled waving my hands in the air
"Coming!" He shouted removing his clothes
Carlos ran towards the water.
"Hi." I said wrapping my arms around his neck
He admired my body.
"Whatcha lookin' at?" I questioned
"What about me?" I teased
"You are so beautiful." He replied
I giggle and splashed him.
"Oh you are so on!" He threatened
I laughed and ran through the waves. They were knocking me down each time. I turned around still laughing my butt off but I couldn't see him.
"Carlos?" I stammered
No reply
"Carlos? This isn't funny!" I start to worry
Still no reply.
"Oh god."
I took a deep breath and dove underwater looking for him. I swam everywhere but I couldn't find him. I swam back up and looked around.
"Oh my gosh..." I covered my mouth and started to cry
Then I heard a splash behind me.
"Carlos!" I yelled crossing my arms
"I got so worried! Don't do that!" I shouted
"It was just a joke. Don't worry." He chuckled
"Yeah well, I was really scared. I thought I lost you." I pouted
"C'mere." He tried to hug me but I walked away
I grabbed a towel from the basket and started dabbing myself dry. When I was done I sat down on the blanket watching the waves. Carlos came running.
"(Y/N)? Please talk to me." Carlos sighed
I ignored him.
"(Y/N/N) please."
I still ignored him. Carlos sat down behind me spreading his legs out so that I was in the middle of them. He held my waist pulling me closer.
"I'm sorry (Y/N) I didn't mean to scare you like that. Please forgive me." Carlos pleaded
I groaned.
"Fine. Only this once though." I murmured
Carlos spun me around and hugged me tightly. I melted into the hug.
"Okay, well it's getting kinda late let me escort you back to your dorm, m'lady." Carlos mocked
"Why of course, sir." I mocked back
We walked back to our dorm hand in hand...
Best date ever

"Spill all the details!" Evie squealed
"Well, it was everything I dreamt of. First he bought me down to the beach and there was a beautiful picnic set up there with candles lining the beach..." I gawked
"And then?" Mal queried
"And then we swam in the sea. Then we dried ourselves off and cuddled for a while."
I smiled and flopped down onto the bed.
"Well, we're gonna leave you be... we have some business to take care of..." Mal said rushing out along with Evie
I need some fresh air.
I walk out of my dorm to the lunch when Ben came running up behind me and poured a bucket over me. I screamed and everyone, including the VK's looked over at me.
"Ben what the hell?!" I yell
"You were spelled by Carlos, (Y/N)." He whispered
"Oh..." I sighed  "But I really like him."
"And I like Mal. Look just don't tell him you're not spelled." Ben said
"Now go get changed. It's family day!" Ben smiled

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