Part 10

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(A/N: You can play the song if you want whenever you want. I just thought it kinda fitted with this chapter)
~ A few months later, the coronation day ~
Your POV
Beep, beep, beep. 7:00am...
I shut my alarm off and groan. Then there was a knock.
"Princess (Y/N)?"
"Uh, yeah?" I reply
"Oh sorry to wake you~"
"Oh no, no, no, you didn't. I've been up for hours..." I doze off
"Who is it?" I yell
"Uh, still me m'aam... Everyone will be here soon. Time to get ready."
"Of course! Ready for what?" I reply tired
"Yours and your twin brothers coronation?"
"Mine and my twin brothers cornoration..." I repeat
I look over to my coronation dress. I gasp
"It's coronation day!"
I shout jumping out of my bed. I run behind my dresser thing.
(If you know where that reference is from I love you)
"Can you please send Mal Bertha and Evie Grimhilde here?" I tell my servant
"Of course, Miss (Y/N)."
I change into my coronation dress.

"I change into my coronation dress

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Mal and Evie open the door.
"Hi! Evie, Mal, can you help with my hair and makeup?" I smile
"Duh!" Evie squealed
Evie sat me down at my makeup station and went to town on my face. She did a cool blue eyeshadow look fading into gold with some nude lipstick. Mal braided the top of my hair and pulled some of it into a bun.
"Woah... thank you girls it's beautiful." I gushed
"Well, I'm going to head of to Bens room. I will see you ladies at the coronation!"
Mal smiled exiting my room
"Evie, you really outdid yourself!" I exclaim
"You look stunning, (Y/N)!" Evie sighed
"Go get yourself all dolled up! I'll see you at the coronation E!" I smiled
Evie waved to me as she exited my room.

Evie's PoV
"Evie, you really outdid yourself!" (Y/N) exclaimed
"You look stunning, (Y/N)!" I sighed
"Go get yourself all dolled up! I'll see you at the coronation E!" She smiled
I waved to her as i exited her room. I went to mine and Mal's room to start getting ready. The boy's were already in there and so was Mal in her dress.
"Hey Evie, can you do my makeup? I really liked what you did with (Y/N)'s makeup!" Mal smiled
"Okay!" I smiled
"Do you guys ever wonder what it would be like to live permanently in Auradon?" Carlos asked
We all looked down. Then there was a knock at the door.
"Yes?" Jay yelled
"Miss (Y/N) and Mr Ben Beast would like to request their dates to be by their sides in five minutes."
"Oh, thank you!" Mal shouted
"Well, I guess we should be leaving." Carlos sighed
"We will see you guys at the coronation..." Jay said
We all left the room. I wish we could stay in Auradon but it's for the best. We can't leave our parents behind...

Third Person PoV
Ben and (Y/N) were both waiting for their dates to arrive.
"Are you okay?" Ben asked (Y/N)
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" She asked
"Because you're shaking really badly." He replied
"I'm just...nervous" she sighed
"Hey, it'll be alright." Ben reassured her
Then soon enough Carlos and Mal emerged from the school. The twins' mouths were wide open.

Your PoV
"Take a picture, it'll last longer!" Mal yelled laughing
I looked down blushing
"Hey (Y/N). You look nice." Carlos smiled
"This seems familiar doesn't it?" I laugh
"Yeah, it does I guess.." Carlos replied
"Let's get going then. We don't want to be late for our own coronation now do we?" Ben said
"No we do not." I murmured
Ben and Mal got into the first carriage at the front whilst Carlos and I got into the second carriage behind them. The carriages started moving towards the castle. I waved and smiled at everyone as we moved past.
"I have something for you." Carlos said
"For me?"
"Yeah. It's just for later, you know, when you need strength. Some carbs to keep up your energy." Carlos smiled
"Always thinking. But I can't wait."
I snatched the brownie out of Carlos' hand and stuff the brownie in my mouth.
"No!" Carlos yells
"Mm! This is really good!" I smile
"Uh, do you..."
"Carlos?" I say
"Do you feel okay?" He asks
"You bet." I laugh
"Would you say that you're still in... that... that you have very strong feelings for me?" Carlos asks
"I'm not sure. I mean, let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect." I smirk
"Yeah... Okay. What? What? You knew?" Carlos asks shocked
"That you spelled me? Yeah. Yeah, I knew."
"I'm... I can explain myself." Carlos stuttered
"No, look, It's fine. I mean, you had a crush on me. You didn't trust that it could happen on its own. Am I right?" I say
"Yes. You're so right." Carlos says "So, then,
how long have you known?"
"Since our first date." I smile
"So then what? You've just been faking it this whole time?" Carlos sighs
"I haven't been faking anything..."
I grab Carlos' hands. I pull out a ring.
"Whenever royalty dates someone they have to give them this golden ring. Will you wear it?" I ask
I slide the ring onto Carlos' finger. I rest my head on his shoulder. We step out of the carriages and make our way to our parents.
"I told Ben and (Y/N) this wasn't going to be easy." Dad said
"You also taught us that a king and a queen has to believe in theirselves" Ben says
"Even when it isn't easy." I continues
"I did? I... how very wise of me." Dad says
"Ben, (Y/N) we are very proud of you both." Mom says "You keep listening to your heart."
"Thanks, mom." We say
"You're gonna make a fine king and queen." Dad says
"Wish us luck." Ben says
I squeeze Carlos' hand as he and Mal enter the castle.
"We can do this." Ben smiles
"Yeah we can." I say
"Let's go be king and queen." Ben exclaims

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