Part 11

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The castle doors opened as me and Ben walked gracefully through the corridor, everyone bowing.
"Do you two solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy
as long as you both shall reign?" Fg said
"I do solemnly swear." Ben and I replied
"Then it is my honour and my joy to bless our new king and queen." Fg says
Before she could continue someone grabbed the wand.
"Child what are you doing?!" Fg yelled
"If you won't make me beautiful I'll do it myself!" Jane yelled "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!"
"Take Cover!" Ben yelled
I lunged for the wand trying to take it off of Jane but she struck me with it. I flew away and landed on the stairs with a thud.
"(Y/N)!" Ben screamed
Jane looked scared of herself.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N) omg."
I slowly stood back up.
"I'm okay!" I whisper
Mal lunges for the wand and holds it up.
"Mal be careful!" I yell
"Mal, give me the wand." Fg calmly says
"Stand back!" Mal yells
"Mal, it's okay."
"Ben, I said stand back!"
"I told you so!" Audrey butts in
Mal turns towards Audrey and Audrey jumps back.
"You really want to do this?" Ben says
"We have no choice! Our parents~" Mal yells
"Your parents made their choice! Now you make yours!" I shout
Evie and Jay burst through the doors running up towards the other VK's.
"I think I want to be good..." Mal whispers
"You are good.." I say
"How do you know that?!" Mal cries
"Because we're listening to our hearts." Ben says
"I want to listen to my heart too, and my heart is telling me that we are not our parents."
Mal turns around to the VK's
"I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy, tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy." Mal says to Jay
"And you. Scratching dudes belly and dating (Y/N) makes you happy who would've thought" Mal laughed
"And Evie...You do not need to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart." Mal smiles
"And taking over the world with evil doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school. And be with Ben." Mal cries
"Because Ben makes me really happy."
"Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things. I choose good, you guys."
Mal curls her hand into a fist and pushes it out
"I choose good." Evie does the same
"I choose good, too." Jay repeats it
Carlos stands back.
"Carlos?" I say
"So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? Because they're gonna be really, really mad." Carlos asks
"Your parents can't reach you here." Ben says
"Okay then. Good."
Carlos smiled and joined the other three.
Suddenly, the castle started to shake and green smoke flew through the air it landed at the top of the stairs and I could just make out a female figure with...horns? Maleficent was here?
"I'm baaackkk." Maleficent sang
"It can't be..." I say
"Go away, mother." Mal says
Maleficent laughs
"She's funny. Here. Wand me! Chop, chop!" Maleficent commanded
Mal throws the wand to fairy god mother.
"Boo!" Maleficent says
She froze everyone except from the Vk's and me. I run over to Ben and cry.
"Ben! No..." I cry
"He's not dead. Get a grip." Maleficent says
"Ooh, in another time, in another time." Maleficent whispers to my father
"Evil like me, don't you wanna be mean..." she sings
"Oh. Oh, no. Someone needs to pluck their nose hairs."
Maleficent turns towards us pointing the wand at us.
"Where shall we begin?" Maleficent continues "Why don't we start by getting rid of these?"
Maleficent uses the magic wand to pull Carlos' and Mal's rings off. Mal cries.
"Perfect fit!" Maleficent exclaims
"Aw...Falling in love is ridiculous. And weak." Maleficent holds Mal's and Carlos' shoulders
"It's not what you want."
"You don't know what we want!" Carlos shouts
"Mother have you ever actually asked me what I want?" Mal screams "I'm not you!"
"Oh, of course not. I've had years and years and years and years of practice being evil. You'll get there." Maleficent declared
"No I will not. And I really wish you hadn't gotten there yourself." Mal says
"Love is not weak or ridiculous." Mal corrects
"It's actually really amazing." Carlos says looking at me
"I know one thing young lady and young man. You have no room for love in your lives!" Maleficent yells
"And now I command, wand to my hand!"
Mal casts a spell and the wand comes to her hand.
"Ha! It worked!" Mal smiled
"I hardly think so. Frankly, this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand. Give me the wand!" Maleficent paces the room
"Hold on Mal. Maybe good really is more powerful than evil." Carlos whispers
"Oh please. You're killing me!"
Suddenly, Dude jumped onto Maleficent.
"Oh, oh, the breath! Get off me!"
Maleficent pushes dude off of her
"You all will regret this!" Maleficent shouts
Suddenly green smoke appears around her again and she turns into a dragon. Everyone stumbles back but I stand there in shock.
"(Y/N)!" Mal calls out
I still stand there.
"(Y/N/N) now!" Evie yells
I turn around and run back. Carlos grabs my arm as Maleficent flies around us.
"Jay look out!" Carlos screams
Maleficent shoots fire out of her mouth towards Jay as he runs behind the pillars but he's able to dodge the flames by an inch. That's when I realised that Maleficent could've killed my best friend, or worse. My boyfriend. The anger was building up inside of me. I felt something in me. I looked at the shattered glass on the floor that Maleficent had burned and saw that my eyes were turning gold. Evie must've noticed me.
"(Y/N)?" Evie said
Everyone turned to look at me.
"(Y/N/N)? A-are you okay?" Mal asked
I was twitching like mad and my eyes were turning gold even more.

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