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Four hours later, the time zones had hit every single one of us, and I seemed to be the only one who wasn't a moody mess.

Aaliyah was taking it all surprisingly well, especially when compared to Ashton, who had already yelled at all three of us for waking him up and 'touching him'.

"Just stop fucking touching me bro" he spoke quietly from his recliner, focusing to the tv as I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

They were like kids.

The three of them went back and forth arguing as Aaliyah and I cuddled on the couch, myself making sure Aaliyah didnt fall asleep.

My mom walked in mid argument of Calum and Ashton, the smallest smile coming onto her face.

"It's almost ten you guys- I think it's safe for you all to go to bed" she spoke quietly, and she didn't have to say it to any of them again, we all went in different directions.

Due to the lack of guest rooms in my moms house, Calum and Ashton had to share a room and so did Aaliyah and I- but we didn't mind half as much as Calum and Ashton did.

Aaliyah and I brushed our teeth and I watched Aaliyah get into bed, still wearing the jeans and shirt she had changed into earlier today after a wake up shower that I made her take.

"Aaliyah, put on some comfortable clothes, pretty girl" I spoke slowly, knowing if wouldn't be hard to make her mad at all.

"I'm okay" she responded.

"You know that's not comfortable- youre going to end up having to get up to change, here, put this on" I spoke, throwing her a pair of my sweatpants, hearing her whine quietly before I saw her drag herself up and into the bathroom.
I changed and got into bed, seeing her come out of the bathroom, throwing the pants she had on, on top of her pants before crawling into bed beside me, immediately cuddling into my chest, making me cover her, closing my eyes into her.

"I love you" she spoke into my chest

That was the first time she had ever told me she loved me without me saying it first.

"I love you too" I spoke, kissing her head gently.

Not to my surprise, within minutes I felt her body relax, watching her fingers twitch against my chest.

As I almost fell asleep- I heard the door open and I saw Calum slowly enter.

"I need to sleep with you guys-" "hell no" I quickly spoke.

"Please bro, Ashton has kicked the fuck out of me three times and michael if sleeping in the middle of the bed, the only other option is the couch, I'll literally pay you a thousand dollars for six inches of this bed." He spoke, purely serious.

I rolled my eyes, knowing we had room- I just didn't want to make it.

I scolded over, carefully pulling Aaliyah into the middle of the bed, never waking her.

"Thank you so much" he exhaled, climbing into bed with us, making me laugh lightly

"If you would've told me five years ago that this is my life- I would've never believed you."

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