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two days later
2 am

I sat in the hospital with her as she cried- she sharp pains in her chest making it almost impossible to breathe, which freaked me the fuck out.

I had an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth, making her breathe slowly, keeping calm.

The night crew was apparently lagging, I had been told twice that they couldn't get the on call doctor to wake up, and I was beyond pissed at my own damn hospital.

I tried not to show Aaliyah how mad I was, but I was almost three seconds away from calling the Chief.

I could hear a wheezing as she breathed, I hadn't been able to get her to eat since lunch yesterday, which wasn't much.

"Fuck it" I mumbled to myself, opening a cabinet and grabbing an IV kit.

I was starting her on fluids at least.

Even though she whined, I easily got the IV into the crook of her arm, starting a bag of fluids.

I got a nurse to come in to at least chart her vitals, which the nice nurse immediately did.

"She's got a 104 degree fever" that's all it took for me to go off.

"I've been here for fucking two hours, my daughter is sweating and clearly sick- we need medical fucking attention. I'm the fucking head cardiovascular surgeon of this damn hospital, and if this is how you treat every sick patient, we're going to have a fucking problem!" I spoke to the nurse and a doctor that now stood in the doorway, sleep written on his face.

"Sorry Doctor Hemmings, I had taken a muscle relaxer and-" "you're not supposed to take anything besides Tylenol when you're on call." I spat to him.

"Yes sir" he nodded firmly.

"Just diagnose her and get her a damn room" I spoke, knowing she was going to have to most likely stay overnight.

He read over her vitals, listening to her lungs and heart himself.

"It's an upper respiratory infection, I'm going to get her an antibiotic and you guys can go home." He spoke, immediately making me even more mad.

"That's not a damn upper respiratory infections." I spat to him.

"It's clearly an infection" he spoke back to me.

"She's got no snot, she has stabbing pains in her chest, she can barely eat or breathe-" "I though your were a cardiologist?" He spoke to me, making me immediately laugh.

"Alright buddy, discharge her, we'll get Doctor Hood down here to see about this upper respiratory infection."

Then of course, he wanted to take another listen to her lungs, he wanted to do a blood test, he wanted to keep her for observation

"No. I'm not asking you again, discharge her."

He did as said.

I called Calum as I signed the papers.

He immediately answered- wide awake due to it being morning there.

"What's up" he spoke out.

"So Aaliyah has pneumonia, so I brought her to the hospital and Doctor Mason was the on call at the time- after waiting two hours and finally getting him in here, he tells me that she has an upper respiratory infection and tries to tell me that I can't leave" I spoke swiftly.

"You're fucking kidding" I heard the anger in his voice.

"Oh- it gets so much worse than that" I laughed, moving to Aaliyah, picking her up bridal style, feeling her immediately lay her head on my shoulder.

"Say no more, I'm coming before that dumb ass ruins my reputation."

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