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"Come on sleepy heads!" Ben yelled, winging the door open so hard that it hit the wall with a loud bang- waking all three of us with a big jump.

"What the fuck." Aaliyah cursed out, she already hated the mornings- scaring the shit out of her to wake her up probably made it ten times worse.

"It's morning- time for breakfast and then time to go surfing- it's been what? Three years since you guys have surged-" "Ben" I cut him off, more than annoyed.

"What?" He asked, a bright smile on his face.

"Shut the fuck up" I spoke simply, returning to my spot in bed, making Aaliyah immediately cuddle back into me, the chill bumps on her arms telling me she was cold, making me cover her.

Calum was already snoring again-Ben's excessive talking not phasing him in the slightest

"So you guys came all the way from America to sleep all day?" Ben spoke after a few moments of silence.

"What are we supposed to do?" I laughed out lightly, wanting nothing but for him to go back downstairs until I could wake up completely.

"I just said- surfing." He spoke firmly.

"I can't swim" Aaliyah spoke into my chest, making Ben's jaw drop.

"No surfing" I shrugged, almost smiling- proud of her for saying that- now maybe he will leave.

"No surfing, you're right" he spoke after a few moments.

"Swim lessons."

To say the least, Ben was being so fucking annoying, we ended up getting up.

And we ended up getting ready for the beach.

"I really can't swim." Aaliyah spoke to me as she threw one of my t shirts and a pair of shorts over her swimsuit, worry taking over her face.

"I know, we won't go deep" I assured her.

Ben, Jack, all of the guys, myself and Aaliyah were soon taking multiple vehicles to the beach.

We were soon all in the water, I stood waist high with Aaliyah- making sure to stay close to her just in case of anything.

I think I was more nervous about her being in the open water and not being able to swim than she was.

"Okay, lets learn how to swim!" Ben yelled to her, making her laugh lightly, watching him with amusement.

"You literally just kick- and don't panic" he spoke, swimming as an example to her.

She watched with a firm smile on her lips the entire time.

She actually did some of the dumb shit he showed her, increasing all of our confidences in her swimming, considering she just learned- she was good.

We went deeper, and I stayed not even five inches away from her.

The waves made me nervous.

I was soon chest deep, which made me know that she either couldn't touch or was barely able to touch, which put me even more on guard.

We were all swimming around the area- Calum and Ashton throwing a ball to each other, us all sharing stories and laughs together.

I watched as a wave came in, immediately taking Aaliyah completely under- causing me to immediately let out a panicked yell.

"Aaliyah" I yelled, immediately feeling for her as the waves continued, panicking every one of the guys in the process.

Within seconds- she popped up- her hair in her face and dripping, her eyes sealed shut- but she was swimming.

"Aaliyah" I exhaled, grabbing her and holding her, lifting her more above the waves so she could rub the water out of her eyes.

"I'm okay" she laughed out after several moments of worry filled questions from each of us.

Finally, her eyes met mine, a smile never leaving her face.

"Proud of me?" She laughed out.

"Yes" I laughed with her lightly

"But never do that shit to me again"

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