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As soon as we got our bags, I almost ran her out of the airport, getting her into the car, where I immediately made her take Tylenol.

She laid her head on the middle compartment between the seats as I drove, making me rub her back slowly.

Instead of going home, I took her straight to the hospital, knowing a different doctor was going to have to check her out before we could get her actual medicines.

"I don't want to go in, please Luke" she sobbed out, breaking my heart.

"It'll be ten minutes and that's it, I promise you"

She held my hand as we walked inside, her clammy hands telling me that the Tylenol was most likely kicking in.

I went straight to Calum's back up, seeing shock spread across his face as he saw me.

"You guys are home-" "Aaliyah has the flu so we had to come home early, can you check her out and give her some medicines?" I asked, seeing him immediately nod, leading us to an exam room.

He took all of her vitals without any complaints from Aaliyah- which shocked me.

He checked her throat and stomach before giving an immediate nod

"Definitely the flu." He confirmed.

"I'm going to get her an anti-inflammatory, I'll give that straight to you so you don't have to go to a drug store, but other than that she just needs tons of fluids, make sure she's eating, and bed rest- no public contact" he spoke, making me nod.

"I'll be right back with her medicine" he spoke, leaving the room as I looked to Aaliyah.

"I like Calum more" she immediately mumbled, making me laugh lightly.

"We'll have to call Calum and let him know" I spoke, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

He soon returned, handing us the medicine, saying a quick "feel better soon" before discharging us.

I paid for the medicine before talking her home.

"Want some soup?" I asked as soon as we walked through the door.

"I'm tired" she spoke quietly, looking to me.

"Let's get you to eat a little bit and then we can go nap, how's that sound?" I asked her, seeing her nod slowly.

I knew she didn't want to eat, but I was so relieved that she didn't argue against it.

As I cooked soup, I heard her phone ringing.

"Who is it?" I asked as she picked it up, sliding it to answer.

"Ash" she spoke quietly, staring to her phone.

"Hey pretty girl!" I heard his voice immediately.

"Hi" she responded quietly.

"How is everything? Did Luke take you to the hospital?" He asked her.

"Of course he did" she spoke, glancing to me, the smallest smile coming onto her cheek.

"What the doctor say?" Calum's voice chimed in.

"I have the flu" she spoke the obvious, making laughter come from both of them.

"Medicine wise." Calum's voice laughed.

"He gave Luke something and told me to drink fluids and sleep." She spoke dryly, making even me laugh.

"He gave me an anti inflammatory" I spoke aloud to where they could hear it.

"No steroid shot?" Calum's voice asked.

"Nope" I spoke back, putting soup in front of her, watching her nose wrinkle lightly before hearing the smallest "thank you"

"I would've gave her a steroid shot" Ashton spoke in agreement as I stood beside her, looking to their faces.

"Can't argue with a doctor-" "actually you can, go get the girl a steroid shot and do it yourself if you have to" Michaels voice chimed in, his face appearing out of almost nowhere.

"I don't want shots" Aaliyah spoke, looking to the bowl of soup as she scooped some, letting it fall.

"I'm going to see how she feels tomorrow, depending on that I might get her one" I spoke, pushing some of her baby hairs off of her forehead.

They continued talking to us for several minutes, Aaliyah successfully taking a few bites, but not eating enough to make me happy.

"At least drink" I sighed, setting a water in front of her.

I watched her drink some of it, making me a little more happy.

"Are you just not hungry or is the soup making you feel sick?" Calum asked through the phone.

"I'm not that hungry" she spoke quietly, making Calum nod slowly.

I put her to bed before returning to the FaceTime with the guys.

"Watch her lungs for me" Calum spoke, making me immediately become confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I don't know, I have a weird feeling and her voice is just sounding nasally and congested, I don't want her to end up with pneumonia and the flu" he spoke, making me immediately panic.

I forgot how easy it was for the flu to turn into pneumonia.

"Dude" I groaned out, covering my face.

"I know" Calum spoke quietly in agreement

We knew she had the best luck- so now we basically wait and see

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