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Two days into the trip, Aaliyah started feeling shitty.

She didn't tell any of us, but we could all tell.

We were doctors, we were very good at telling when someone was feeling bad and when someone was feeling good.

She did not feel good.

It was currently around nine at night, I was holding her hair back as she threw up, tears rolling down her face.

"Princess, you've gotta give me some symptoms so I can figure out what's wrong with you" I spoke to her, Calum appearing in the doorway.

"My whole fucking body hurts" she cried out, tears streaming down her face.

Calum and I exchanged a glance- is both not wanting to accept what came to mind.

"What else?"

"My chest is tight, I have a headache and I feel lethargic constantly" she spoke tiredly, wiping her tears slowly, looking to me.

"That's the flu." Calum confirmed for me, making me nod in agreement.

"No" she whined out lightly, but this was just the beginning.

"We have to take her home" Calum spoke as I walked her to bed, covering her small body up.

She needed to be home before it actually kicked in, because soon she would be just crying from body aches and headaches.

Could we stay here?


But first off, that would most likely get everyone else in the house sick due to them not having their flu shots

Secondly, it's better to be somewhere that shes comfortable and we wouldn't be able to do anything else for the remainder of the trip here, so might as well go home.

"You guys can stay" I spoke to Calum, sighing to her shivering body.

"I'll take her home and get her well before you guys even come back, it'll be fine-" "are you sure? That's a lot of dad duties" he spoke hesitantly.

"You came here to be with your family-" "you guys are my family too."

After discussing with my mom about Aaliyah, she agreed- we needed to go home.

"Not that I don't love and enjoy your company, but I'll see you guy next month for Thanksgiving, and you dad and I can not take being sick at the same time. We'll just FaceTime" she laughed lightly in agreement.

Therefore, I booked two flights home- not giving Calum an option.

We just had to wait five hours.

We got basic medicines into Aaliyah to help her with her body cramps and fever.

We basically kept her quarantined, my mom Lysoling everything she could've touched, everyone taking metabolism boosters to fight off any germs.

"I feel bad" Aaliyah spoke from the bed as I zipped our suitcase, looking to her.

"Why princess?" I asked her.

"I ruined your family time" she spoke sadly, making my heart melt- I didn't want her to think this was her fault.

"Hey, no" I spoke, sitting beside her in the bed.

"You can't help wether you get sick or not, and to be fair- Ben is getting on my everloving last nerve anyway, it's time to go home" I whispered to her with a small laugh, seeing the smallest smile appear on her face.

"And in three weeks everyone is coming to America for Thanksgiving, so it's not a long time until I see them anyway"

Soon we were saying our goodbyes, Aaliyah not getting hugs from anyone, more apologies and simple "we just really do not want the flu"

The flu fucking sucked, no one blamed them.

"I'll see you in five days" Calum hugged her tightly, kissing her head- luckily he had his flu shot.

"See you soon" she responded tiredly.

After saying our goodbyes once more, her and I got a ride from Ashton to the airport, hugging him goodbye before going in together.

I basically drug her through the airport- running late as normal.

We went through security without a problem, luckily catching our flight right before the doors shut.

I gave her the window seat, sitting beside her, making sure her bag was up and that she was comfortable before buckling myself in.

"Fourteen hour flight and we'll be home."

To say the least, that was the worst flight I've ever been on.

There was so much turbulence the entire time, Aaliyah went from being cold to hot every ten minutes- resulting in her getting absolutely no sleep.

We were currently ten minutes from landing and she was silently crying into my chest, making me literally pray that I could get her home quickly.

"My poor baby" I spoke into her hair as she rubbed her own neck- her body cramps getting the best of her.

"Just try to relax, try to go to sleep princess"

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