Chapter 18

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Ruhan was taking me somewhere and i don't have any clue about. He said he has some work there but I don't know why I find it hard to believe. After coming to airport, when we were done with all the process. He start to take me towards Finland flight. "We are going to Finland, what work you have there Mr hubby?", I asked him suspiciously.
"It's something related to work wifey. I can't tell you details you know that. We have this code".
"Ok Ok I know about your code. Its fine", I told him and sat silently on our seat and after sometime the flight took off giving me the view of beautiful landscapes down. After some time I fall asleep. When I woke up we were about to land and sometime later I was welcomed by the beautiful, chilly atmosphere of Finland. We went to our hotel to rest for some time. To get rid of jet leg. After waking up it was already evening and the sunset sky was adding the beauty to it multifold. Ruhan asked me to get dressed as we were going somewhere. Then start our way to this destination, only ruhan knows about, as my Mr husband isn't telling me anything. After asking him for thousandth time I gave up and sat quietly. It was very cold here. Then we stopped at our destination. And I was astounded by many igloo decorating our way.
"Wow this is beautiful ruhan", I told him.
"Your welcome wifey", he said and head towards some guy to talk something and then ask me to come and we both went inside one of their igloo. "We are staying here wifey", he said.
"But why",I asked.
"We are here to watch the northern lights". He replied and I went on all excited mode and hugged him really tight.
" You are great ruhan", I told him and then we rested for a bit until any sign of aurora come. After sometime same guy come to told us that the lights are about to come and I excitedly went out pulling ruhan with me and was astounded by the scene in front of me. It was so fucking beautiful, it's like god is painting the sky. So magical, so out of the world. I turned to look at ruhan to find him already staring at me.
"what you looking at?", I asked him.
"You, your smile, your excitement", he said.
"You know I'm really lucky to have you as my husband", I said holding his face in my hands.
"I know wifey. I'm the best", he said trying to act cocky and then I leaned towards him and kissed him, taking both of us by surprise. Tasting his lips to feel all this is real, that we are actually here. Then he reciprocated back, pulling me to him deepening our kiss, with auroras shining bright in the background.  I don't know how this new strength came in me, but today in this moment one thing I know is I want to spend my eternity with this men in front of me. I want to share my every happiness, every sadness with him. Today I realised that I start to love this incredible men in front of me and maybe his patience, his understanding nature, his caring attitude gave me the courage today to take this next step in our relationship, Finally today I can check 2 things on my bucket list i thought inside. Me and ruhan were sitting engulfed in each other arms with fire burning bright in front of us and people sitting around it enjoying the beauty of nature around us. Just then I felt the need to pee. I excused myself from  the crowd and went in our igloo to pee. When I returned I see a white page lying near the suitcase of ruhan. 'must be something related to Ruhan's work' I thought and picked it up to place it back on table but when I was about to leave I saw my handwriting on this page. My curiosity got the best of me and I opened the page to find my bucket list there and I was shocked for a moment . Ruhan has checked some of the things there, like watching the stars at night, camping, going on road trip, watching aurora in Finland and after looking at the list my heart is filled with respect and this newfound emotion in my heart for this amazing men in my life. Just then I heard some shuffling outside and I hurriedly placed the list back in its place and was welcomed by my smiling husband entering  inside.
"So how was your experience wifey? ". He asked me .
" Today is the best day of my life", I told him looking in his eyes.
"For me too, today I felt like I won the most important thing in this world. Your trust. " he said looking at me. And I understood that he is referring to our little cosy moment outside. And I blushed at that. He moved a little closer to me holding my face in his hands and asking me for permission to continue, with his dark grey eyes burning my soul and I closed my eyes in response that was enough to give him courage and he pulled me in for another kiss. He deepened our kiss and the atmosphere inside heated up then we both stopped to take some air and he whispered in my ear, "Let's stop here wifey or the beast inside me will risen and I won't be able to stop myself from taking you here and now". And I shivered at that. He kissed my head and we both changed into comfortable clothes to sleep. We slept holding each other, talking some random stuff and little kisses here and there.
"What is your favourite endearment wifey? ", he asked me.
" what brought this up? " I asked him.
" Nothing special. I just want to call you with a different name", he said staring in my eyes.
"I like 'love'  the most. I have always wanted someone to call me love. " I told him.
" Ok love" he said and that was enough to put a smile on my face and hugged him a little tight and listened to his heartbeat running wild like mine. Next day we went around for sightseeing and after returning packed our luggage to return back. While boarding the plane I looked back again. I am really thankful for this place. This place has given me something I can't forget about ever. I was writing something about my experience here, just then I saw ruhan peeking. I closed the diary and looked at him and asked "why are you peeking Mr?".
"Whatever is mine is yours love. I am just claiming my share " he said innocently.
" No Mr this is my secret diary and you can't peek" I said.
"Ok ma'am, whatever my queen says". He said bowing down to tease me and just like that our journey went with little teasing here and there and stolen kisses.

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