Chapter 1: The longest day

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Max was mostly like any other teenager. He had an avid love for video games. He loved all games but his favorite game was borderlands 2. He would play this game day in and day out just to get his characters to 72. He has more then 5 to 6 days put into all of his characters. today he had his friend Alice over and she was helping him farm for legends.

As they were trying (unsuccessfully) to get the bee shield to drop from hunter hellquest, Alice stands up and yawns and says "Max why do you enjoy doing this for hours and hours"

Max shrugs "I don't know, Alice, its just fun to not have to think about life's problems for a few hours ya' know"

"Ya I guess that's as good as reason as any"

Max pauses the game and stands up and looks around his room with his assortment of video game related posters. Max sits back down and continues to play trying to get these legendary to finally drop.


A few hours has passed and Max and Alice finally got the bee shield to drop. Max shouts out with joy "yes! We finally got it"

She laughs "yes we did it finally"

They highfive and then Alice stands up and looks at her phone "crap its almost 6 o'clock I had better get going"

Max sighs and stands up " alright, be careful you know crazy people live around this town text me when you get home."

She nods and smiles " don't worry Max I'll be fine I promise" she walks out of the door and starts to head home

Max walks back into his room and signs Alice out and continues to play.


About an hour later Alice shows back up to Max's house. "Max I forgot my bookbag"

She walks into his room and grabs it "hey what's with your TV screen it looks strange"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Right there its like its starting to crack"

"What?!" He runs over and looks at it "Damnit my father is going to kill me for this". Suddenly a giant hole appears in the screen and Max and Alice are sucked into the TV. When the bright light disappears Alice and Max look around and see that they are on a train with four other people. Max exclaims "it's Axton,Salvador,Maya, and Zero!"

"Wait the people from borderlands?"

"Yes.... we somehow got sucked into a different world. We are stuck on Pandora!!!"

(More shall come soon)

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