Chapter 4: Lets meet hammerlock

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Suddenly an female appeared in front of the vault hunters faces and Max's "here let me get this for you" she opens the door "perks of being AI. I'm networked into almost everything on this planet" "its a long journey take what you need" she opens a chest with a few shotguns and a couple of revolvers Max grabs a shotgun and slides his finger down in the air and I opens up his 'menu' and swipes over to his 'backpack' and equips the shotgun and the hornet. He pulls the shotgun out of the backpack breaks it open to load it. He loads the shotgun and slides it into his holster and the he grabs the hornet and reloads that gun too and slides it into his other holsters. The other vault hunters do the same. They open the door and head out for lier's berg.


About an hour later they reach the place and follow claptrap down to the gate where they get attack by bullymongs. They finish off them when they hear handsome jack offer a reward for them if they are captured, this makes captain flynt want to capture them "all right boys this Is captain flynt we need to capture the group of vault hunters that just arrived in lier's berg." A man speaks over the echo "great first captain flynts bandits attack then claptrap shows up, I must have been cruel to puppies in a previous life to deserve this kind of treatment. I say vault hunters could you kill captains flynts bandits for me?" He opens the gate and the vault hunters rush in. They spray down multiple bandits and Salvador screams out in rage and pulls out two revolvers and rapidly fires into the bandits and then bullymongs jump down from the cliffs and starts to attack the vault hunters and the other bandits. Finally they repel the bullymongs and bandits and captain flynt screams on the echo "damnit... this ain't over grinder" "hey hammerlock since my minions saved your town you want to do your bestie claptrap a favor and repair my eye" "I suppose I am in your debt come to my shack and I will restore your sight post-haste, hold back vault hunters let claptrap go first" "I knew hammerlock would come around me and him are like two peas in a pod, two bullets in a mag, two canniballistic midgets in a fatguys rib cage!" Claptrap walks into the electric fence and gets electrocuted. "Ah apologies vault hunters but when claptrap speaks I feel my brain cells comiting suicide one by one I will be out post-haste" he walks out and salutes "I am sir hammerlock..... at your service" he walks up and looks at claptrap "give me the robots eye and I shall repair his eyesight" Salvador hands him the eye and hammerlock starts to repair claptrap when he is done claptrap stands up "I am alive! Minion your far uglier then I remember" "follow me so I shall turn on the main power this town has useful stuff for a go-getter slayer of men like yourself"

He walks off to turn on the power and the vault hunters follow.


I just want y'all to know how much I want to personally thank you all for the support your giving my series I know its slightly boring now but it will get better I promise. 20 views! That's crazy! Expecially since I just got this account like literally last night!  This is crazy!  Thank you all so much for this support!

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