Chapter 6: Lets be heroes!

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"Hey sal, why did you come with me?" "I don't know amigo I just had a feeling that you are special, I don't know what this means but Im going to help protect you." They quickly go to the spot where the echo came from and they see a rundown house. "This is where it came from amigo but I don't see anyone." "No! They have already got to them! Sal we got to find them they can help us I know who they are". "Alright amigo we will do our best let me try to find their tracks" Salvador looks around and spot a set of track and he starts to follow them and Max follows along. After about ten minutes of tracking Salvador spots a bandit camp with a big hut in the middle. "Amigo they might be in there".

"Then lets go sal!" Max pulls out his pistol 'the hornet' and reloads it. He runs out and digistucts his sword and runs with the hornet in one hand and his sword in the other. Sal pulls out two revolvers and charges in. Bandits rush out but Max cuts them down while Salvador shoots them with his revolvers. As the bandits lay dead at the vault hunters feet, the two vault hunters walk to the building in the middle and hears a girl talking loudly. "Hey! Let us out of here you jerkbags!" Max laughs and walks over to the door and pushes the bar that was holding it closed down to the ground. The girl flings the door open and slaps Max in the face "how dare you keep us locked up!" Max gets stunned for a moment before digistructing his sword and whirling it to the girls throat and his voice goes calm and deadly "don't you dare slap me again!" As the girl realizes she has a sword pointed at her throat she backs up "h-hey i-im sorry I did it on impulse I though you were them" Max drops his sword and before it hits the ground it disappears with digital particals and he pushes past the girl and walks in to walk over to Lacey "Lacey? Is that you?" She looks up "m-max? Is that you?" "Yeah Lacey its me I came to save you" "I knew you would Max I told them you would!" She jumps up and hugs Max just as a psycho walks up and screams "NIPPLES SALAD!" And Max jumps back and brings back his sword and points it at the psycho "oh its only you" he drops his sword and it disappears "hello Krieg" Max says "NO ONE KNOWS MY NAME! I MUST RIDE MY MEAT BICYCLE!"


Meanwhile back with the other vault hunters are just coming back from finishing getting shields from the old crimson raiders outpost and they walk back to hammerlock. "Splendid vault hunters, now tell me would you like to do battle with a midget riding a bullymong? If so proceed to the southern shelf and defeat midgemong for me. If not then you are sad and I no longer wish to speak with you." "Come on minions we need to get away from this place its full of murderers and jerkbags, like that hammerlock dude." "I'm standing right here dude" "Hey guys lets wait for Max and Salvador, I think they would get a kick out of doing this for hammerlock." Says Axton. They walk into hammerlocks house and wait for Max and sal.


Hello! Thanks for all the views it means alot and I hope to add in more people soon

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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