Chapter 5: Its time for some missions for hammerlock

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As we walk over to wait for sir hammerlock to turn on the power we all sit around and start to talk about why we came to Pandora. Maya says "I wanted to learn about who I am and what I am" Axton says "I wanted to avoid a firing squad" "I came here to get power from the vault" says Salvador and zero says "I came here for a challenging opponent" and Max says "I was transported here from my TV" "um that is super weird bro" says Axton.

Hammerlock turns on the electricity and turns around "alright vault hunters I can't seem to get the bounty board working but I have a few missions if you feel like having a go at them" "don't forget minions you still have to get me to sanctuary so don't take to long with these quests" Axton sighs "shut up claptrap! We will take our time so shut it and let us work". They talk to hammerlock about the work he has for them."I have one mission for know. You see we have two places that are overrun with bullymongs. Even if the town doesn't have Amy more people in it I don't see reason for them to lounge around disrespecting the memories of the former town folks so if you could clear out these places this would great for the long gone towns people" Max says "alright hammerlock we'll do it come on guys lets go" they jump down from a rope bridge and looks around "hammerlock says that the bullymongs are around here" says Maya.

"Amigos! Here they come" screams Salvador. Sal pulls out two revolvers and Maya throws a bullymong into the air while Axton throws down his turret while zero goes invisible and snipes down enemies. Max pulls out his sword and starts to slicing up his enemies. Finally the bullymongs lay dead at the vault hunters feet and as Max wipes his sword clean, he spots a revolver lying in the snow he walks over and picks it up "hmm lets save this for later I don't need it but we may come across another vault hunter" Max stands up and walks over to the other vault hunters "guys lets get that last place and clear this place out and get our money from him" they climb back up the hill and head for the cemetery filled with mongs. "Guys stop here" Max says "ok here is what would should do, zero stay back and snipe enemies, sal provide support for Maya,myself and Axton and we will all charge and finish the mongs. Alright lets go" zero sets up his gun along an ice block and holds up three fingers he counts down and then when he hit one he fires off a shot the crits a mong in the face and the rest of the vault hunters charge in. Max sprays corrosive bullets at the enemies thanks to the hornet he found earlier and Maya and Axton pumps the mongs full of buckshot while sal fires off two revolvers. The bullymongs lay dead at the feet of the vault hunters. The vault hunters cheer and start to scavenge items from the bullymong piles and off of the bullymongs. They find ammo and a few grenades, they walk back to hammerlock in a good mood but there mood changes as they hear hammerlocks news. "Vault hunters I know I promised you money but its going to have to wait I have intercepted a message from the echo net, here I shall play it for you." He walks over and grabs an echo log and hits play and a teenage voice plays. "Um hello? Is anyone out there? My names Gaige and uh this might sound crazy but I'm stuck in a house with a psycho and another girl. The house is surround by bandits and they are about to get in. So if there is anyone out there we need help!" Another voice plays "I AM THE CONDUCTOR OF THE MEAT TRAIN!" Another voice plays "shut up Krieg!  Max? Hello I know your out there someone please help us I'm scared!" A loud crash is heard in the back ground and the tape ends. "I'm afraid that was rather disturbing. Anyway here is your money" he hands them some money."Sweet we got out money" says Axton as Max looks around the other vault hunters. "Well aren't we going to help them!? They need help!" Yells Max." Calm down Max they are as good as dead there is nothing we can do" says Axton."I don't care Axton we need to help them" says Max "no means no Max we can't afford anymore set backs we still have some work for hammerlock to do" says Maya." No I'm going with or without you guys I can survive on my own!" Yells Max. "Wait amigo I want to go with you in the borderlands you need someone to watch your back so I've got you"thanks sal that's appreciated, alright then lets get going the echo said its coming from the way so lets get going"."alright amigo but we better prepare sell any guns you don't want to the vender and grabs some ammo then we can go" As sal and Max get ready to leave Axton,Maya, and zero are sitting in hammerlocks cabin keeping out of the cold. Max and sal walk in and Max says"well we are going but first lets link up our echos so we can receive our share of the stuff you get from hammerlock so we don't fall behind in weaponry" they all slide downwards and opens there menus and they all link up." Alright amigo lets go!" They head out into the wastelands.


Hello all! Sorry for no chapters but I promise I'm going to try extra hard for more! So since I haven't had any chapters I tried to make this one extra long. Thanks for all the support you are showing this series and soon some of my friends are going to be coming into the series so again wanted to say thanks. Alright bye!! ^_^

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