Chapter 9

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     Geno was in bed on Wednesday night. His insomnia had acted up again so as a result he couldn't sleep. Great.. He decided to turn on the news, even though that was one of the things you should not do when you couldn't sleep. Well, he wasn't falling asleep anytime soon anyways, so it wouldn't really hurt right? He quickly glanced at the clock as he turned the TV on. 10 at night. Oh well, time for another sleepless night.


     Reaper and Error were unwillingly waking up from their slumber, in their respective homes around the same time since their alarm went off at the same time. Time for the heist. Error got up, dressed in the clice black attire, hopped in the truck, and drove to Reaper's house where Reaper was waiting. As they arrived at the bank, Reaper glanced at his watch. 10:50. Right on time.


     Geno was finally dozing off when 'Breaking News' flashed across the screen, startling him. He looked up at the screen and saw that a heist had been started at the bank, and it looked like two different groups had teamed up to pull this off. He quickly realized that it was Nightmare's group and two mystery people. The people he and Ink had been trying to catch. He jumped up. This was his opportunity. He quickly threw on his outfit and called Ink. After a few rings Geno was done changing and growled in frustration. He snapped after quickly grabbing his gun and other police wear and teleported himself next to Ink's bedside.

     "Ink WAKE UP!" He yelled, not caring about disturbing the neighbors. Ink woke and fell off his bed with a start, and a confused 'Whaaaaaaa?' followed. He sat on the ground, rubbing his head for a moment.

     "Geno, don't startle me like that," He laughed, before seeing Geno's uniform. Ink's demeanor immediately changed.

     "There's been a heist at the bank, and I think Glitch and Scythe are there. Let's go," Geno demanded. Ink nodded and quickly changed. As soon as he was done, Geno teleported both of them to the bank, Ink grabbing his supplies right before they disappeared.

     They teleported into the middle of an absolute mess. One of the building's walls were destroyed, and debris was everywhere. Nightmare's gang were being held off by police despite their powers. Ink quickly identified Horror, Killer, Dust, Cross, and Nightmare himself of course. They all had magic but so did some of the police, such as Classic, Outer, and G, to name a few. Scythe and Glitch seemed to be unopposed, however, as all the police were trying to stop and apprehend Nightmare's group. Geno ran at Scythe and immediately pointed his gun at the figure.

     "Surrender," He yelled.

     "Not happening," was the response. The voice sounded weird; somehow different, though with a familiar undertone to it. Seems like he could change his voice. Suddenly a bone flew out of nowhere and knocked the gun out of his hand. Welp. Looks like they were fighting with magic.

     "Looks like we're doing this the hard way," He declared, as they both summoned their weapons.


     Ink went to the one that seemed to be the cause of all the blue strings around. For some odd reason they seemed... familiar..? He ignored that though as he pulled out a gun.

     "Let's do this the nice way alright? Come with me." Ink yelled. The figure simply shook his head and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the gun was pulled out of his hands by a string he hadn't noticed before. Ink immediately got into a fighting stance as pulled out his giant paintbrush, Broomie, and sighed.

     "Let's just get this over with."


     Geno quickly took his chance and made the first move. He launched a few bones at his opponent, which they dodged with relative ease.

     "Oh come on. You're going to have to try a little harder than THAT," He taunted as he evaded the attacks. Geno just grinned.

     "B E H I N D Y O U," Was the reply he gave. The other person whipped around just in time to see the Gaster Blaster firing in his face. Geno grinned victoriously before hearing the other call in a singsong voice,

     "You missed me swe-...Nice try!" Geno turned to see the other about 10 feet behind him. It seems like he can teleport too. He was currently holding what seemed to be a very large scythe. The other person proceeded to swing the scythe at Geno. Huh. Thats where he got the alibi from. Geno managed to dodge, right as his opponent brought down the scythe where he had been standing moments before. Geno sent a singular bone at his attacker, catching him off guard. Geno heard a hiss as he cut the other's arm. This didn't seem to hamper him, however. The scythe's blade made a clang with the concrete ground, not pleasant. Geno quickly summoned two bones and made them into an X shape to block the next swing of his opponent. This went on for a few minutes, though it seemed like an eternity, before Geno made a fatal rookie mistake.

     He was caught off guard by one of his opponent's attacks and as he clumsily dodged, he tripped over a piece of debris. He landed on his butt with a thump and a soft oof and the other gave a victorious smirk. As his opponent began to swiftly advance toward him, his rational thinking flew out the window and he scrambled backwards, until his back he hit a wall. He was cornered. The other raised his weapon as all Geno could do was watch, paralyzed with fear.


     Ink waited, and soon, the other made the first move. A bunch of strings came at him that he managed to dodge. Thank God for laser mazes. Soon after a beam shot directly at him from one of the opponent's Gaster Blasters. The colors and designs seemed...very familiar? He quickly threw up a wall with his paint and waited through a bone attack before he made his move.

     He darted forward the second he had an opening. He threw a purple paint all over Glitch, then quickly retreated. Though the other didn't say a word, the other looked slightly confused. Ink took this opportunity to launch red paint at the other, narrowly missing him. Glitch sent more bones attacks at Ink, distracting him as he sent strings behind the other. As Ink dodged, he ran straight into the strings which immediately sprung into action, tying the artist up. However, Ink was unfazed. He simply snapped his fingers and the paint on the other's clothes turned to chains. In surprise, the other dropped him and Ink advanced towards the other figure who was struggling in the chains.

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