Chapter 31

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Shoutout to @IvyGrows1001  and @ffflowdey  for motivating me to finish this chapter!

     Ink walked into the cell area. He had to question Error, but didn't want to. The confrontation and following breakdown had only been a few days prior, and the thoughts and feelings were still fresh and in the front of his mind. He approached the room, quickly entering and shutting the door. He turned around and realized two things at once.

     Error was missing.

     And the magic suppressor was off.

     He yelped as his hands were tied up by some blue stings that had come out of nowhere. He recognized them from previous fights and footage. They belonged to Error. He subconsciously relaxed a little bit knowing that it was only Error. Well, even though Error was a criminal wanted for numerous crimes and murder. His arms were quickly yanked above his head, rendering him defenseless. Error walked out of a very cliche shadow in the corner of the room.

     "What the-! Error?! What's going on here?!" Ink yelled. Error sighed as the other continued yelling at him.

     "Let go of my arms! I'll-" Ink was cut off by a sudden kiss. He blushed hard and saw that Error looked like a lemon himself. He had more glitches than normal fizzling around him but was mostly fine. Error pulled away and sighed again.

     "Now that you're quiet, I can explain. Please avoid interrupting me while I'm talking.

     "Me and Reaper are sort of allies with Nightmare. We accompany him when it's helpful to us. We also stay at his base sometimes.

     "Reaper had an idea. Me and him would find the new police on our case and befriend them, hopefully getting some info out of it.

     "Neither of us expected to actually become attached to the person we were meant to betray.

     "A few days ago, Nightmare told us he wanted you and Geno dead. Blue had escaped and he was suspicious that you might be getting close to our identities. Neither me nor Reaper liked that idea. We already figured that Blue had told you who we were, but Nightmare wanted to screw us over even more as a form of revenge by calling it into the station as an anonymous tip. He knows that we don't know much besides the gang members identities and the hideout location. The base can easily be moved though. Besides, who would believe confirmed criminals?" Error continued.

     "After you caught the two of us, we would most likely burn bridges and become enemies and stuff. Nightmare also knew we could escape again anyways. We would return from the whole ordeal without you and Geno in our way and never try to pull a stunt like that again. Reaper and I decided to take matters into our own hands though.

     "I was hoping to explain myself and talk a little bit of sense into you before you arrested me. After all, I didn't have much to lose," Error finished his explanation, leaving Ink slightly stunned. Finally, the artist spoke.

     "How are- How can- How did you get both the magic suppressors turned off and slip out of the handcuffs? Not to mention the fact that you're out of your cell even though it's still locked and doesn't look like it's been tampered with." Error chuckled.

     "This isn't my first rodeo. The first time I was arrested it was with one of the other gang members and he showed me the ropes of breaking out. Since then, no prison can hold me." Ink shook his head and sighed.

     "Well, what now?" He asked.

     "First off we should probably get Geno and Reaper to reconcile and let them work things out. Next, I was hoping that we could possibly work out a situation between us.

     "I... I like you Inky. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. Guess I was afraid of this happening while we were in a serious relationship. I denied that I feel happier near you and want to keep you safe and with me. I don't even feel this way towards my brother Fresh. This isn't really the best situation to be in, but Ink. Will you be my boyfriend?" Error was a solid yellow hue by the end of his little speech. Ink paused for a second, his eyes rapidly changing colors and shapes. For a moment Error was afraid the other would reject the confession. Suddenly Ink's face burst into a smile.

     "Of course Error! I honestly feel the same way. Though aren't you bothered by my lack of a soul?"

     "No way. In my experience with you, you've been full of happiness and energy and seemed genuine. Besides, by the way that you described how your vials work earlier, your emotions are as real as they can get. The only influence you could really have on them would be to not take a certain emotion as to not feel it, or to just now take any at all. I don't care about you any less because you're soulless, dummy." Ink's eyes began watering. "I was hoping for some semblance of a normal relationship with you under the guise of being a normal person, but now that's not possible, seeing as my cover is blown and such," Error continued. Ink was thoughtful for a moment before his face lit up.

     "I have an idea! But first can you let me down?" Ink asked. Error quickly apologized and released the other.

     "I've had a crush on you too, Error. I have an idea that could let us see each other more without it being suspicious. How about I get you on house arrest in my place? I currently live in an apartment but could easily get a new house."

     "That sounds great! What will your cover up story be?"

     "Half of the truth," Ink said, smirking. "I found you about to escape your cell and want to have you near me so I can keep an eye on you. After all, they do say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer! Being a personal guard with you at my house also means I can work from home and spend more time with you!" Error smiled.

     "That sounds wonderful. Now to get Reaper and my brother's relationship fixed."

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