Chapter 18

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Geno sighed. He was the only one sitting on the bench at the moment, as Error had jumped off the bench with a yelp and fell on the floor. Fresh was standing next to his brother who had crashed. As soon as he had rebooted, he looked around in confusion. Once he saw Fresh, he jumped and almost crashed again. Geno smiled slightly. Error had always hated the youngest of the three for reasons unknown to Geno. Error had developed a nickname for his younger brother, commonly referring to him as ́90's trash'.

Fresh leaned down to his brother and offered him a hand. Geno laughed as Error slapped his brother's hand away, glitching at the contact, and stood up, brushing himself off.

"Error has haphephobia, remember?" He told Fresh. Fresh laughed and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"I must have forgotten my diddly darn glitch broseph has his totes un-radical fear," He said. Stupid 90's trash, Error muttered. Geno chuckled at his brother's childish antics. Error huffed and sat down beside him.

"Sooooooooooooooo," the glitch said, dragging out the word. "How the *heck* did you get here all the way from *fresh*ing Brazil parasite?" He then glared at said parasite. "*funk* *shoot* *dang*..." Error continued to attempt to bypass his brother's censoring powers as Fresh just watched him. His glasses read Srsly?

"Yo. That's super un-rad of you my broseph," he said.

"How did you know we were here?" Geno cut in, attempting to prevent the impending argument. "Not even we knew we would be meeting up."

"Yeah," Error grumbled. "Ink never told me that he was dragging me out here to see you." Geno grabbed at the few words his brother said to try and get him to disclose some more information. He was a police officer after all.

"Speaking of Ink," he started. "How did you two even meet?" Error seemed to be debating telling the story before he finally gave in.

"Well, it all started one morning when Ink was late to work..."


"So that's how we know each other now." He concluded. Geno was not very surprised at their meeting, but was more surprised at the fact that his brother had agreed to meet with the colorful skeleton once again, especially after such a rocky meeting. His brother hadn't seemed to have changed all that much from when Geno knew him, and that Error would never have even spoken to someone who had ran into him and spilled coffee all over him. As Geno contemplated his next question, he stared at his brother. Error began shifting uncomfortably. Suddenly, his phone dinged.

"..." Error was silent as he read the message. He stood up. "I have to go," he declared.

"Why?" Geno asked suspiciously. Error shrugged.

"My friend just messaged me saying he wanted to meet up," was his only response. Before Geno could respond, Error was already almost out of the park. He sighed as he was now alone. Wait. Alone? He realized that sometime during his brother's story Fresh had slipped away. Geno sat in silence as he processed all of the events of the day. 

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