Breakneck Bog

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragons

Everybody has lost something they thought they couldn't live without. Sometimes to find it again you have to be willing to do anything. Even look fear right in the eye. Just make sure you don't blink.

At Stoicks' orders he, Gobber, Hicca and Hiccup were on Thornado, Midnight and Toothless searching for Trader Johann. Stoick made it clear that it was important that they find him, although he wouldn't say why.

"Where is he? He's been late before, but never this late." Stoick muttered, looking around the ocean for the well-known trader.

"Are you sure Trader Johann even has it?" Gobber asked, the only one who knows why they are looking for him.

"I'm sure!" Stoick said firmly."I heard from Jorgensen, who heard from Stevenson the Shepard who told that Toldstad the Fisherman who said he saw Johann put it on his boat himself."

"Well, it can't possibly get any clearer than that." Gobber said sarcastically.

"Yep, nothing is clearer than an indirect line of gossip." Hicca added with equal sarcasm.

"You know, it might help if Hicca and I actually knew what we are supposed to look out for." Hiccup spoke up.

But the chief was adamant about his children not knowing what they were looking for. "We're looking for Johann. That's all you two need to know."

"Not to worry, old friend. It'll arrive safely and in good time." Gobber said reassuringly.

Noticing the distress look in their dads' face, Hiccup and Hicca shared a look.

"You thinking what I'm thinking, bro?" Hicca asked in a low voice so that neither their father nor Gobber would hear.

Hiccup nodded. "Yep. The four of us are going on a little field trip." He said to his sister and their dragons.

After an unsuccessful search for the trader, they all went back to Berk. Stoick went to attend to his chiefly duties while Gobber went to work at the forge. Meanwhile Hicca and Hiccup were stocking up on their 'field trip'. As soon as they got their supplies, they went back to the Academy. They decided to go by themselves without the other dragon riders.

"Got the map, sis?" Hiccup asked.

"Right here." Hicca answered, holding up the map for her brother to see.

"Okeydokey." Hiccup said looking at the map."We'll start in the west islands and work our way back."

"Back from where?" Astrid asked as she and Stormfly came into the Academy.

"Ah, jus-just a quick spin around the island." Hiccup lied nervously.

"Yeah, you know the usual, everyday thing we do." Hicca added.

Astrid raised her eyebrows at them, not believing a word they're saying. She then inspected their inventory. "Uh-huh. Quick spin, huh? So for this "quick spin" you guys decided to pack enough food that could feed Snotlouts' family?" Astrid asked, holding up a salmon.

"Did I hear my name?" Snotlout asked walking in."Oooh! Do I see a salmon?" Snotlout snatched the salmon from Astrids' hand.

Seeing no way out of this, Hiccup decided to tell them the truth. "Uh... Alright. Look. If you must know..."

"And we must..." Astrid said

"Hmmm, hmmm." Snotlout agreed as he ate the fish.

"We're going to do something for our father." Hiccup explained. The look on Astrids' face said that he needed to explain more."Okay. Okay. Trader Johann is bringing something for him, something important and he should have been here by now."

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