Wingman? (Xicheng)

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Today was the day that Jiang a Cheng was deeply not looking forward to. Today of course is the day where his crush Lan Xichen, is going to go on a date with Jin Guangyao and he not being able to say no to his friend. He promised Guangyao that he would be their wingman.

So lazily he kicked off his blanket and got up from bed to prepare for the day. Jiang Cheng is lucky that his good for nothing brother is assistance manager at the amusement park so he could borrow the mascot costume. Grumbling his got dressed and made his way over to the park. 

The park was indeed already crowded and he suspected that his brother was already "working" since the light to his office was turned on. Jiang Cheng made his way over to the door and knocked on it. Wei Wuxian opened the door and greeted his brother with a big hug. "Jiang Cheng! You made it!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed. "Ew get off" Jiang Cheng said pushing his brother away slightly. "Where's the dang costume?" Jiang Cheng asked. "Right over there" Wei Wuxian said while pointing to the purple rabbit costume. Jiang Cheng looked at Wei Wuxian with murder in his eyes. "You expect me to wear that one?" Jiang Cheng asked. "Consider yourself lucky that I didn't give you the pink one, now out you go Lan Zhan will be arriving any minute! Shoo shoo" Wei Wuxian said as he pushed Jiang Cheng out so he can get changed into his costume. With another long sigh, Jiang Cheng changed into the costume and headed out. 

All he did was greet the children and take pictures with them. He continued to do that till his eye caught a glance at the couple that walked in his line of sight. Waving away to the kids he made his way to the couple. 

"Hey it's a bunny!" Jin Guangyao said as he ran over to the mascot. Lan Xichen followed behind grinning. "Let's take a picture" Jin Guangyao said as he took out his phone and snapped a picture. "That was fun, thank you Mr. Bunny" Jin Guangyao said. Jiang Cheng waved his hand gesturing a "no problem" to the both of them. They both let him as Jiang Cheng felt an uneasiness in the pit of his stomach. He brushed it off as he went in to change into something else.

The entire day Jiang Cheng was in and out of costumes trying to not get caught by Lan Xichen. Jin Guangyao obviously knew it was him and did his best to keep Lan Xichen from knowing as well. Jiang Cheng did his best to remain cheerful and happy the entire day but damn the costume was hot. Jiang Cheng stood behind an ice cream machine and took off the head of the costume and used his hand to fan himself. He wiped the sweat away from his neck and chin and went on his phone. 

He continued to scroll through his Instagram and continued to see everyone with their successful love life. He sighed again. "I wonder how it's like to date someone, it seems like fun" Jiang Cheng said. He closed his phone and took a deep breath  while closing his eyes. After resting his eyes for a minute, he opened his eyes and saw Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao heading in his direction. Panicked he shoved the head back on and went the other direction grabbing some flyers from the employee break station and began to hand it out to passing visitors. "Hey it's Mr purple bunny again" Jin Guangyao said as Jiang Cheng waved. He passed two of the flyers of a show that is showing in theatres inside the park. "This look like fun, wanna watch it Xichen?" Jin Guangyao said. "Sure I don't mind" Lan Xichen said. "Thanks Mr bunny". Jiang Cheng just clapped and waved goodbye. 

Jiang Cheng scratched his head and made his way over to the theatre. He's going to just sit at the very back and watch the movie, he deserves it anyways. Not wearing a costume is pretty risky but it should be okay if he was careful. Plus he wanted to watch the film anyways. Kimi no nawa (Your name) was good so Tenki no ko (Weathering with you) should be good too. 

He sat at the very back with his popcorn and waited for the movie to start. While watching the ads he saw Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao sit down. Luckily they didn't notice him as they sat a few rows in front of him. When the movie started he found it difficult for him to pay attention especially with his crush sitting in front of him. Grumbling he munched on his popcorn and tried his very best to watch the movie. 

The movie itself was fantastic, he just wished that Jin Guangyao didn't rest his head on Lan Xichen"s shoulder during the entire movie. He waited for everyone to leave before getting up himself and going back to Wei Wuxian's office. He knocked on the door as Wei Wuxian opened the door. "You don't have to knock every time" Wei Wuxian said. "The amount of times I witnessed you two doing things not suited for children is too much for someone to not knock on the door" Jiang Cheng said. "Fair enough" Wei Wuxian said. 

Wei Wuxian saw Jiang Cheng sigh again. "You've been sighing a lot, like more than usual and that's pretty concerning" Wei Wuxian said. "Yea and the amount of time you two do it on a daily basis is also concerning" Jiang Cheng said. "Heyyy" Wei Wuxian said pouting. "I'm just saying that you look more miserable than usual" Wei Wuxian said.  Jiang Cheng let out yet again another sigh for the 50th time and scratched the back of his head. "Does it show?" Jiang Cheng asked. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji nodded in unison. Jiang Cheng rolled is eyes and spoke "Jin Guangyao asked me to be his wingman for their relationship and it's honestly driving me up the wall, it hurts more than it's supposed to". 

Lan Wangji looked at him with a blank expression. "Wait, wait. Lemme guess...Lan Zhan is shocked!" Wei Wuxian said. Lan Wangji shook his head and hugged him. "Brother should be breaking up with Guangyao today" Lan Wangji said. Jiang Cheng turned his head towards him. "A-are you serious?" Jiang Cheng asked. Lan Wangji nodded. "It should be" Lan Wangji said as he looked at the clock on the wall. "I got to go" Jiang Cheng said as he ran out the door. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji looked at the door. "So...round two?" Wei Wuxian asked. "Mhm".

Jiang Cheng was running at full speed down the hill. "Where could he be?" Jiang Cheng asked. He continued to run up and down hills but he still couldn't find him anywhere. Jiang Cheng panted as he felt like his knees were going to give out. "He's probably crying somewhere...please ..." Jiang Cheng mumbled. He got up to try again as he saw a silhouette sitting in front of the fountain. "Xichen?" Jiang Cheng ran up to him. It was indeed him as Lan Xichen looked up at him. His eyes were a bit red as Jiang Cheng's legs gave out in front him. "Jiang Cheng!" Lan Xichen yelped as he tried to catch him. "T-thank goodness...I thought you left" Jiang Cheng said between breaths. 

Lan Xichen held him up. "We're you looking for me?" He asked. Jiang Cheng nodded. "I was afraid you would be crying alone somewhere, I wanted to be there to support you. Be that shoulder for you to cry on" Jiang Cheng said. "Looks like I missed my chance" Lan Xichen looked at him surprised. "I didn't cry" Lan Xichen said. Jiang Cheng looked up at him. "But your eyes are red?" Jiang Cheng pointed out. "Ah no, my eyes are red because this little boy pointed his bubble gun in my face and some soap got in my eye" Lan Xichen said. Jiang Cheng looked at him dumbfounded and grumbled. "So I ran here at full speed for nothing..." Lan Xichen chuckled. "Well you were everywhere in the park" Lan Xichen said. 

Jiang Cheng looked at him surprised. "What do you mean?" Jiang Cheng asked. "I saw you running around, dressed up in multiple costumes, my favourite is definitely the purple bunny costume" Lan Xichen laughed. Jiang Cheng blushed "W-why didn't you tell me then?" Jiang Cheng asked. "Well I thought it was cute seeing my crush run around in different costumes" Lan Xichen said. "Well that was very mean of you- what did you say?" Jiang Cheng asked. "You heard me" Lan Xichen said. "But weren't you dating Jin Guangyao?" Jiang Cheng asked. "I was but I think I was confused with my feelings...the one I liked all along was you Jiang Cheng" Lan Xichen said boldly. 

Jiang Cheng felt tears run down his eyes. "No, something has to be wrong...I always get the sort end of the stick...this is too good to be true..." Jiang Cheng spoked. Lan Xichen shook his head. "This is true...I know this is really quick and I completely understand if you say no but I want you to go out me...what do you say?" Lan Xichen asked. Jiang Cheng just nodded his head and threw his arms around Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen chuckled and kissed the top his forehead and smiled. 

"Thank you... A-Cheng"


Sorry this took so long for me to update! I'm trying to update my Instagram and trying to stay active on this too! Please follow my Instagram if you have the time! Just message me for it! Thanks for reading! 💜💜💜

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