Allison's POV
~Edited~Everybody heard. Everybody knew. Everyone was confused, and scared. Everyone was worried sick. Everyone wanted too stay home today. No one got too. Even I was scared. I mean really? A man had been eating the arm randomly of this woman, and then all you heard after that was that he had bit the next man causing him too have too shoot him! Ugh... gladly it was in CHICAGO. Only a half an hour away from here. That scared the shit out of me. I sat in my seat reading my book If I Stay, when out of nowhere, we heard a crash from outside... like a car crash. Everyone jumped, and I mean it. I slowly peared out the window. Just when, Mrs. Koum walked in and sat down in her chair.
"Pull out your social studies books please." She says looking at the clock. I sigh and do as I was told. I look out the window again too see a figure in the middle of the street. Just limping... and standing there. Was he drunk? I wondered. I don't know, but obviously Mrs. Koum noticed me,"Why are you looking out there, and not at me?" She asked, I cleared my throat and took out my highlighters. I crossed my arms slightly and she waited until I was ready.
"Sorry.... I muttered. She nodded and continued reading, taking a swig of her diet coke while. When she wasn't looking I looked back and the figure was closer and clearer now. I slipped down a little and stared straight. After about 2 paragraphs highlighted, Mr. Quish, my math teacher walked in and motioned for Mrs. Koum. Everyone started babbling, and a lot of conversations I heard was about the so called "Cannibal attack" I rolled my eyes and slipped my head in my book again. I heard Mrs. Kruse rush in and motioned us too be quiet. Unfortunely, she told us that the "cannibal attacks" had gotten 10 times worse, and actually one happened in Streamwood! That's where our school is. I was scared now.... what about my family? What if I don't get home in time? She told us then, that it was time for our parents too get an emergency call and we would be picked up from school. I smiled a little. Then realized that we were being sent home cause of zombies. They should be called zombies right? Do I know? No. I jump out of my desk too join everyone else in the hall."What do you think that's about?" Asked Rebecca. I shrugged. I pulled my backpack out just as Mr. Quish ran too the door.
"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" He yelled, the annex lights switched off and we layed down on the floor, everyone did. I did what they did, and just waited. Before we knew it, we heard pounds on the annex doors that were closed. He motioned everyone up.
"Get in your classrooms!" He harshly whispered. Everyone did what he said, even the 8th graders, and no smirks appeared from anyone.
"Use this too block the door." I say, handing him the janitors mop. He nods in appreciation, and goes too the first set of doors too block it. He shakes his head in frustration.
"We need too escape in pairs through the back door, the emergency exit. Thing is, if it is not activated... it WON'T make a huge blaring sound, though the office always has it on except for drills. If their are more of these things outside, we're dead." He said, stomping with every step.
"Oh..." I muttered realizing the cracking sound came from the set of doors and with a blink of an eye, the crashed down, exposing the zombies. I raced and Mr. Quish and I slammed the last set of doors shut. I held on, knowing those things will come in at any second if Mr. Quish doesn't find something quick. I whimpered as one of their hands came from the door. I squealed and Mr. Quish helped slam the door shut.
"We need too get ready too fight, and of what I learned in the movies, means THE HEAD." I annociated the words clearly, and he heard every word, and before I knew it... he let go.... and I was incontrol. I grabbed the nearest table, and leaned against it, holding the doors with more control. He came back like 45 seconds later... I wasn't counting but yea.... and then he said that all the kids knew, and had pencils and sharp things like paperclips to use. I shoke my head with force.
The Struggle is Real
ActionPlaylist: Superheroes (The Script) Human (Krewella) Immortals (Fall Out Boy) Centuries (Fall Out Boy) Everybody says "Oh that's not gonna happen." or.. "The zombie apocalypse is a myth." Well that's what these children thought also. Being in school...