Oh My God

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                Allison's POV

Kelsey flied forward.

"KELSEY NO!" I shouted. Then I was unconcious. I woke up frot the nightmare.

I wake up with a pulsing wound on my side. A knife wound. What the hell? I don't remember getting stabbed... infact I've never felt this much pain in my life... physically. I touch my side and look up. I was in a clear winter blue room, with shades that played my mind with colors, and my shoes were blood splattered. I got up as easily as I could and walked too the door. I jiggled the doorknob, but it didn't budge. I grunted kicking the door. I heard a whimper come from behind me, I looked behind me to see a small kindergartener sitting in the corner crying. She had short brown hair like me, and rosy cheeks. She had brown eyes, and was wearing a bloody pink "ballerina" dress. I slowly walked over, careful too startle her.

"Hello." I said.

The girl stared at me, her hair in her face, still wincing, "Hi- hi."

"What happened? Who put us here?"

"The man."

"What man?"

"The man that took my best friend."

"Who's your best friend?"



Damn. That little rascal, caused enough trouble for us.

"Where were you, when he took her?"

"I saw the brown hair girl get hurt, and then you got hurt, and then then a girl with long hair got strangled-" Savannah," and the one with the shiny hair," Rebecca," The short boy, and tall boy with nerdy glasses" Andy and Jeremy. "A boy with glasses and a weird look on his face, even the boy with... with the brown hair, and... and.... the boy with light brown skin." Nathan, Matthew, TJ?

"What did these people do with them?"

"They took them away."


"I don't know, cause then I was taken."

"Did anyone get hurt badly?"

"The 2 other girls."

"Shit." I covered my mouth quickly.

"That's a naughty word.!" She said raising and eyebrow, "No no no!" She was serious.

"Ok, sorry."

"Shit." This time I thought to myself. Rape.... to the girls.... right? Would it be rape? No. No it wouldn't we're to young. Why the hell would I think that? I take the girls hand.

"Come with me, we're bustin' out of here."

"I can't... I don't want to be killed too."

"What do you mean?"

The girl was silent.

"What do you mean?" I asked more coldly. She shoke suddenly.

"They killed 3 little girls"

"WHAT!?" I screamed, the girl started to sob, I quickly held her ears and tried to calm her. She edventually sniffed and wiped her nose.

"What did they look like?" I asked.

"One was a brown skinned girl with long curly black hair in a ponytail." She sniffed in between. The girl must be Clarissa. Oh my God.

"Who else?" I squeaked.

"A girl with glasses, and who also was brown skinned, but darker and she had a headband in." Emily.

"Then... a girl with light brown hair." Amy!

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