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        Sarah's POV

Hasn't gone well for me. I'm in trouble.... first of all... we can't find anything useful in stores... Kareena, and Michael constantly ask me to stay up all night and watch... it's like I can't stay awake. But I can. Cause I am officially stronger then ever. I forgot to mention.... we found a dog. Yeah... a dog. More like a newborn puppy and Michael expects me to take care of it. I have to stay up pretty much every night and I won't risk everyone's life because I have to raise a dog. This isn't good... we won't live like this... I mean literally we will die. We lost a person yesterday... Anna. She was nice she helped me with the dog and then she helped guard but when she got chased in the opposite direction of us with nothing but her own 2 hands... she is obviously dead.. honestly. I feel like shit... and now I'm tired. Right now we're walking along a sidewalk. And I pass out. Literally fall and pass out.

        Makenna's POV

Julia walks up to me and tries to comfort me.. that's until William walks in and Julia casts him a dirty look. But I didn't cry, I just stare like stare... I wasn't his girlfriend, I get that but for some reason... it hurt me. Bad. It's ok though... I feel better... sort of. He sits beside me.

"I'm sorry." I noticed the tears running down his cheeks. William Porter is crying... he's crying. I made a man cry. Boy... I mean. Man I'm good. I look away.

"No no... I'm not sad." I answer. He looks at me like he doesn't believe me.

"I know your sad..."

"That's because... I've never seen anybody make out in reality. That's all." I answer standing up.

"So you ok with it? Honestly you are a true friend-"

"Ok enough, I'm fine." I say walking past him. Honestly I feel like I have just lost a friend. I do like him. Even if I have in beginning for his looks he really didn't seem to me as the right guy even after he kissed me. Now.... I notice how amazing he is. Honest, Caring, Independent... Loyal. Sort of. Dammit Makenna calm the fuck down your fine! I slam my forehand to my photo album and open up the thing to reveal the photos of happy moments. I saw Will and Anna talking and I swear I saw Anna give me the death glare for a second. Now it comes.


Well honestly it's more of, don't rub it in my face!


        Lawrence's POV

I made it out alive and for the past few months... then this happened.

I quickly zoomed out of the building and around the front. I saw my friends running but I was easily cut off by some assholes with spears. I turned the opposite way and started sprinting avoiding the gunshots as best I could. I got out and suddenly a hit of worry stuck me. No supplies... nothing. Just me. My friends are out there and I can go see them but no matter how fast I walk... I will never find them. That's until I bumped into Kelsey. Kelsey was all messy, her hair looked like a rat's nest and her eyes had sags under them. She had a lot of weapons with her though.

"KELSEY?" I question she smiles a beatiful smile.

"Oh my god! I thought I would never find you guys again!!" she said giving me a hug, I tensed a bit.

"What's the matter?" Kelsey asked.

"I got seperated..."


"Yeah,.." I paused she looked down, but we had catching up to do.

"How did you survive?"

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