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"'What' and 'if' are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together, side by side, and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life. What if?"

I finished the movie I'm watching. I've already seen this movie thrice and I can't deny the fact that it bothers me a lot.

I keep on thinking if we're going to have that same chance.

Same chance to find each other again.

But I know that movies are just fiction and in reality, chances like that are rarely given.

What if...

Two words that keeps on bugging me.

What if I told her that I love her?

What if I risked our friendship to tell her my feelings?

What if she felt the same?

What if I put aside my fear of losing her?

What if I did not push her to find another guy?

What if I manned up and faced the consequences of confessing rather than none?

I was given a lot of chance...

To tell her everything,

To let her know what I'm feeling,

To fight for my love for her,

To let her realize how much she means to me...

But I wasted those chances...

If I could just travel back time,

I would choose to let her know my feelings,

I would scream how much I love her,

I would just own her for the rest of our lives...

I do not believe in magic...

Nor wishes...

But if fate would permit...

I would wish to have a power,

To undo our history...

And if that happens,

I would never let her go again.

I would make sure that even if I lose her once,

I'm not going to lose her again.

I would not make the same mistakes that I made.

Despite my disbelief in wishes and magic,

I'm holding onto faith...

That if it's His will,

It will happen.

No matter how impossible it might be.

Just Another Chance (Revised)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon