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"I don't really know where to go from here," I thought out loud.

"What do you mean?" Emmett asked as he approached me.

"I want to meet Rosalie," I blurted out.

Emmett froze, "Well, I want to rip her head off, so I would advise against it."

"Help me understand why," I requested.

"Ma cherie," his face dropped and he came close to me, "She put you through so much physical pain and took your life from you without your permission. She may have saved me all those years ago, but she killed you."

I walked closer to him, "Are you glad that my blood doesn't test you anymore?"

"Yes and no."


"No, because you no longer bleed. You no longer get the chance to move through a human life. No, because you no longer get to fall down and scratch your knees or get tattoos or bruise your skin. However, yes, because I can do this," he came up to me and pulled me close, "Without having to focus the entirety of my energy on not killing you."

He kissed my neck, "And I can do this," he bit my skin lightly, "And nothing bad will happen."

My breath hitched when his teeth grazed my neck, he pulled away and grinned widely as he not only found something new, but he found something fun for him, too. He moved to the bottom of my shirt and began to toy with it while he kissed me, but then his phone rang.

I pulled it from his front pocket as I bit his lip, "Hello?"

"Where is Emmett?" A familiar voice asked.

My mood changed in a matter of milliseconds, "Where are you?"

"I want to speak to Emmett," Rosalie hissed.

"Come here and get him," I could feel the rage bubbling up inside of me.

She frustratingly ended the phone call, I tossed Emmett's phone on my bed and walked over to my long dresser. I pulled my hair up into a tight ponytail and rooted through my closet to find a tank top and a pair of jeans to change into. I pulled off my watch and other bracelets, my rings and necklace, and then marched down the stairs with Emmett hot on my trail.

"Annora, I beg of you to think this through," he called after me.

"How comical, he has to watch over you like a small child," she stood at the bottom of my stairs with a wild grin on her face.

I didn't think about any step I took before I took it, I simply let my instincts take over. I leapt at her and grabbed her by her neck. Her power was nothing compared to my own. I pinned her against the front door and tightened my grip on her. From what I had heard from Emmett, we didn't need to breathe, but it was uncomfortable to go without air for a sustained period of time.

"What, so you think you can take my life away from me and not have consequences?" I asked and pushed her against the door even more, it cried out in protest.

Emmett picked up another phone call while I dealt with Rosalie. His words were nothing of a distraction until the middle of the conversation. His body turned rigid, his voice became stern. He went truly cold, something I had never seen him do.

"How long ago?" He questioned. "They're on their way to try and stop him?" I began to listen in on the other line of the phone call while still keeping my grip on Rosalie.

"I don't know for sure if they will make it, but they are trying as hard as they can," Carlisle answered. "If you two could make your way back to Washington, we'll pick you up at the Seattle airport."

I had a choice to make right there without Emmett asking anything of me. I could let Rosalie go and immediately return to Forks, or I could halt our homecoming and feed Rosalie to the wolves. The numbers started to run through my head, so I shut my eyes, took a deep breath, and cleared my mind. When I opened my eyes again, my intentions were clear.

I tightened my grip around her throat to the point where her skin began to crack like ice. Her eyes went wide and I could not hear anything besides my own thoughts and the sound of her physical demise. She gripped my hand, but she was too weak to pry it from her neck.

"Annora, please, no," she squeaked.

"Why? Give me a logical explanation to why I should spare you," I spat.

"I know what I did was wrong, but you must believe that I had my own reasons," she begged.

"You are not entitled to wrong reasoning, dear," I growled, "spit it out before I kill you."

"Please, find it in your heart to let me go," she pleaded.

I let out a loud laugh, "You don't know me at all." She looked rather confused. "I don't have a heart, sweetie."

"Annora," Emmett called from behind me, a warning tone.

I looked back at him while still holding her to the door, "What? I'm just having fun."

"Allow me," he smirked. I raised my brow in confusion and threw her in his direction. He caught her and looked down to her, "Don't you ever come near her again. Don't call me, don't text me, don't talk to me, don't even look at me. I don't want to ever see you again. If I do, you'll be the one fearing for your life like you made her do."

She became pathetic, "But... Emmett, I saved your life."

"And you killed her," he pushed her to the ground. "You can't kill my mate to get me back."

"I thought... I thought I was your mate," her face dropped.

"You never were," he left it at that and walked with me out of the house and towards the car.

Annora |E. Cullen|Where stories live. Discover now