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"Hello darling," I chimed as I picked up Morgan from her crib and cradled her in one arm while supporting her correctly.

I had one headphone in my left ear and music was playing as I walked from the upstairs nursery, down the staircase and then to the kitchen. I sang along to the song that was playing while I opened the fridge to retrieve her bottle of milk. I anticipated that I would be caring for her a lot of the time, but I didn't mind it.

I placed the bottle in the warm water and then threw a cloth over my should for later. I heard the doorbell ring and I quickly walked over to open the door. I cocked my head to the side and looked at Carlisle and Emmett with confusion as they stood on my front porch.

"Your stepmother scheduled a home visit for Morgan today," Carlisle explained, catching on to my expression.

"Ah," I nodded, "Figures she wouldn't be here when that happened. Come inside," I turned around and walked back into the kitchen to grab the bottle out of the warm water.

I dried off the bottle before running my thumb across Morgan's cheek and then placing the bottle in her mouth. She didn't drink much, but she drank multiple times during the day. Her blue eyes stared into mine and I couldn't help but smile at her.

My phone rang so I walked closer to Emmett, "Can you hold that bottle for her for a second?" I asked, he held it carefully until she finished drinking while I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi, sweetie. Doctor Cullen should be coming over this afternoon for a home visit for Morgan," my dad explained.

"He's already here," I replied.

"Oh! Sorry for not telling you sooner, I thought Brit would be there by now," he said.

I sat down in one of the dining room chairs and burped Morgan, "Yeah, I mean, it's not really that much of a shocker. She's probably out at some bar."

My dad sighed, "Maybe she's out shopping."

"To feed her materialism? Because that's much better," I scoffed. "And don't even say she doesn't have that. She can't leave the house without buying something."

"Be careful, Nora, there's a camera with a mic by the door," my dad warned.

"Boy, tell me how I legitimately don't give a shit," I finished burping Morgan and placed the cloth on the table and then finished talking while swaddling her, "I don't enable that woman like you do."

"I know, I know," he sighed. "Let me know how the visit goes, I love you. See you tonight," he responded.

"I love you too, will do, see you tonight," I hung up the phone and brought Morgan to Carlisle.

"Sorry, I did the swaddling thing without thinking about it. You can undo it, I don't care," I rambled.

"You have a natural gift with children," he marvelled.

"Well, the plan is to either be a NICU nurse or go L&D. I don't like people, but I like babies and young kids. Adults complain too much, they lie, they hurt others. Babies are completely innocent. They've done nothing wrong," I shrugged and handed Morgan to him.

"I completely understand," he smiled at her and took her over to the table to just look at her and make sure she was doing okay.

"I need water," I said out loud and moved over to the cabinets to grab a glass.

"Hey, Annora," Emmett called.

"Yeah?" I answered while pouring water.

"Come here," he pointed to in front of him.

Annora |E. Cullen|Where stories live. Discover now