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"What do you want to do for Valentine's Day?" Emmett stepped out of the shower while he towel dried his hair, water dripped all over the floor.

I rolled my eyes but smiled, "I don't like to celebrate trivial holidays, you know this."

He chuckled and began to wipe the water trails from his skin, "I had to ask. Besides, you think your birthday is a trivial holiday, we still celebrate that."

"Only because Alice forces me to, I don't understand the need after a decade or so of not ageing," I groaned and approached him.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, "It's fun to have an excuse to drink."

"I'd rather down a bottle of Jack than a shot of plasma."

"Who doesn't love a Bloody Mary?"

I stepped away from him and walked toward the vanity. "For once I wish I would be able to eat some food again. Not even something fancy, honestly, I could go for a box mix of chocolate cake and some 6 dollar wine."

He paused for a moment, mulling over one of my hundreds of explosions about being immortal. He didn't turn me so I didn't feel bad about complaining. He listened and that's what really mattered. After I vented, everything usually went back to normal.

Emmett came up behind me and wrapped me up again. He rested his chin on the top of my head and stroked my arms. "I'm sorry for what Rosalie did to you. I know it wasn't right."

I shook my head, "Don't be sorry. It probably would have ended up happening anyways. I just wish my last meal wasn't rice. If I would have been prepared, I would have stuffed my face a proper last meal."

He nodded, "I love you, Annora."

"I love you too, Em."

He stepped away to change into a set of fresh clothing and I ran a brush through my hair. I decided to spend the night reading through something by Frost. I immersed myself into the world of words whenever I was alone, as I would be for the night.

Clad in a short, silk robe, I ventured down the steps to retrieve a glass of plasma before I began my reading. The house was a mixture of loud and quiet. On one end, the men prepared to hunt. Their motions consisted of clanging and clashing with each other and supplies. On the other, Alice and Rosalie were both captivated by an older movie while Esme laid out on the couch adjacent from them. I could have spent time with them, as I did quite often, but I decided that isolation for one night would be more of a benefit than anything else.

I took note of the constant change in the colour of the sky. From the pitch black sprinkled with glistening stars to the navy blue that hinted the Sun was on the rise. It was interesting to watch the Sun and the moon battle for attention. Some days the moon would stay longer, you could see it while the cloudless sky was a screaming blue. Others the moon would subside early on, admitting defeat by its successor, the Sun.

By the time the daytime hero had come into full picture, the bedroom door cracked open and distracted me from the paragraph my eyes had just lied on. I looked around, I was unable to notice everything I had been doing leading up to that moment. The bed was covered with tens of books, it was a common occurrence, yet it still surprised me at times. I closed the current book and looked up at my handsome husband.

"Could you come downstairs for a moment? I could really use your help," he questioned.

I slipped out of bed, fixed my robe, and jumped onto his back so that he could carry me down the couple flights of stairs. I could smell blood as we neared the kitchen, if my heart still beat it would have been racing. I cocked my head at an angle as I noticed a couple of things on the kitchen island.

"I tried some things out, I hope it worked, but just to prepare you, it may not have been entirely successful," he started off.

"I'm always aware of the possibilities, darling," I noted as I slid off of his back.

"This is chocolate cake," he pointed to the very obvious chocolate cake sitting on the counter, "I substituted some ingredients with elk and it seemed to rise just fine." He then pointed to a wine bottle next to two pre-poured glasses, "this is three parts blood, one part wine," he explained and then stood back with his hands clasped together, awaiting my reaction.

I looked up at him and in that moment I wished I could have cried, "Emmett, this is so thoughtful. I love you so much."

He pulled out two forks and grabbed a glass to pass to me, "I love you too, Angel."

Annora |E. Cullen|Where stories live. Discover now