Chapter Sixteen

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"Bye." I hang up the phone and sit back down on the bed. My mind goes through the different variations of how he looks now. Does he have a beard? Does he have long hair? A tattoo?! I immediately stop thinking about him and turn my attention to getting ready for bed.

I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my mind wanders through many different conversations and old memories of us together.

I finish with the bathroom stuff and on my way back I turn off all the lights except the lamp by my bed. Laying down and adjusting the blankets on top of me, I flip off the lamp and close my eyes. Hoping to have a good night's sleep.


I wake the next morning and smile when I don't remember any dreams from last night. I remember having a dream but what the rest was about . . . I don't remember.

I slide out if the bed and grab my backpack, heading toward the bathroom to do my things. After the brushing, the changing, and the styling are done, I exit the bathroom and glance at the clock on the wall. 10:34. Jordan said to be at his apartment at noon. His apartment is in the next town over which would be about a half hour drive by taxi with the traffic.

I pack all of my things up and double check to make sure I got it all. Exiting my room, I grab both of the keys the room came with and check out. I leave the building and head down the road to a café I saw in the phone book.

The café isn't too crowded when I arrive and I order a blueberry muffin and a coffee, which are growing on me. I finish my breakfast and hail a taxi. One quickly pulls over and I climb in, giving the driver the address that Jordan gave me. I transferred the address from the paper to my hand, which was a smart thing because I threw the paper away.

As suspected, the drive takes around forty minutes to get to Jordan's apartment. By that time it was almost noon and I was getting nervous. I climb the steps and approach the door, my palms are sweaty and my heart rate has increased. Turning to look at the panel full of buttons and names, I press the one with Jordan's name and wait while it buzzes.

" Hello?" A deep voice responds."

"It's Janet - Jane." I pause, closing my eyes. "Jane." I cringe at how I can't decide how to react, I'm that nervous?

"Jane." Jordan replies. I can hear the smile in his voice. "Come on up." The doors near the panel clicks and I enter the tall building.

I climb a few flights of stairs till I get to Jordan's floor. I take a right at the wall and walk, counting the numbers on the doors. 238. Jordan's room. Lifting my hand, I freeze. I know that is shouldn't be nervous. But there are too many outcomes in a time like this. He could call the police. Kick me out. Believe me.

I take a deep breath. Raising my hand once more, I knock on the door and release a broken breath. I hope God has helped me this time.

The door opens to a tall brown haired, brown eyed young man that is my brother. My, has Jordan grown.

"Jane." Jordan smiles a bright white smile. "Hey." He motions for me to come in.

"Hi, Jordan. I'm glad you could see me." I say, walking to the couch, where I sit as straight as a pin.

"Yeah, well. I'm on break, so." He takes a seat on the chair opposite of the couch. "On the phone you sounded really nervous, what is it that is so bad that you traveled all the way from Michigan to talk to me?"

I exhale. He knows that Mom died . . . he just doesn't know all of it.

"Jordan. I wouldn't have come here if I didn't have another choice. But I'm all out of options. I need your help."

My big brother nods. "Start from the beginning."

I close my eyes and breath. "You know how Mom died." I wait till he nods before I continue. "Well, did Aunt Mallory tell you how?"

Jordan nods his head. "She said it was an intruder who stabbed her and then fled the scene."

I nod. Apparently Aunt Mallory didn't have the guts to tell him the real truth. "Jordan, I'm going to tell you something and you have to promise that you won't tell anyone. Ever. Never ever ever." He nods.

"Jordan," I glance up, lowering my gaze before I saw his expression when I said, "I killed Mom."

Silence. That's all that filled the room. Neither of us moved an inch. Time passes by. I can't hold myself back any longer, so I just burst out saying, "It wasn't my fault! She abused me for three years ever since Dad died and I couldn't tell anyone because she threatened my with the girls and I didn't have anyone to help me. She just drove me off the edge and when I couldn't stand it any longer, I just-" My breathing comes out ragged and fast. "I just grabbed the knife and my body just sort of took over. Before I knew what I did she was lying on the ground and gone. I've been surviving by myself for so long that I need someone to help me."

I look at Jordan expectantly, he is my last shot at not being alone. If I was told this story, I would call the cops or do something, I wouldn't help the person. But if the person was my own little sister . . . I wouldn't know what I would do.

Jordan sits there with a blank look upon his face. I can see that he is trying to make something out of what I just said. Maybe, just maybe, he will agree to help me. Or maybe he won't.

My brother looks at me with sadness in his eyes, a sad smile on his face as his mouth forms the words . . . 


I just figured that I needed another cliffhanger. :) I love cliffhangers. Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes. Hope this chapter was good because I was rushing all weekend and didn't finish it till like 8 and yeah. I plan on having this done by early December. Which should be easy because there are only like 4 more chapters left and then an epilogue. But don't worry!

There is a sequel. It will probably be started next year. :)

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