In The Name Of . . . (Sequel Info)

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For all of you who don't know, the sequel is going to be called In The Name Of . . . and it's about Lana trying to figure out the mystery of what happened to Jane. Most of you may know the story of what happened to Jane . . . but not all of it. 

Here is the prologue for you to enjoy: 

You know the saying "Welcome to my life". I feel that it describes my life the most. I mean, my life sucks. If you think of the definition of a suckish life and multiply that by twelve, you equal me. Lana Carter. The girl who's a know-it-all with a half slutty half popular twin sister.

But, back to my suckish life. Well, let's see. I lost my Dad when I was two, my mom and older sister Jane at age five and have been living with my Aunt Mallory ever since my Mom died. And Aunt Mallory is a smoker, and I mean a smoker. She smokes all of the time, in the car, in the house, everywhere!

And to top that all off. I have been bullied for basically all of my school life and have literally no friends. I'm basically a no one. But if Jane was still alive now . . . I would be counting down the days till I get that note from her telling me that she's back in town, ready to pick me up. We would run away together and I would get out of this hell-hole.

But if my life told me one thing . . . is that I never ever ever get what I want.

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