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She wasn't found by the police, no. Just a person passing by on their way home to their family. She couldn't help but watch the river, at the same moment that a teenage girl's body is being pushed by the river's current.

And the police did what they normally do. They get the body out of the water, bring the body to the morgue where they figure out who the person is and how they died.

Aunt Mallory was contacted the next day, the day the body was identified. The body was that of Jane Christine Carter, Aunt Mallory's niece and Jane's guardian.

Aunt Mallory told the girl's the news. The twins were heartbroken, they cried just as much as they did with their mother's death. Except this time, it hurt more.

Jane's wake and funeral were held four days later. All of her extended family came. Even Stacy Neuman came with her family. Aunt Mallory and the twins greeted the guests, though the girls didn't engage in many conversations as they normally did. They just sat in a chair in the far side of the room, not talking to anyone, not even each other. Instead, they played with their dresses, the ones that Jane bought them for their Mother's funeral.

And in the quiet times that they weren't talking, Lana was thinking to herself. She thought really hard because she was going to run away with Jane, they would be together, running, always running. So, Lana promised to herself, that she was going to find out what happened to Jane. Even if it is the last thing little Lana does.


And that's the story. I know that many people reading this are going to kill me.

And for all of you who think that this was just an ending that I came up with on the spur of the moment. It wasn't. This has been planned since the beginning. Since I published the prologue on that one July day. Jane was always going to die.

And with that note. The sequel will be starting sometime in January 2015. And please spread the word about my book, it would mean the most to me, even though most of you are probably hating me right now. But I promise you, Jane will not be forgotten. She will return . . . in some way, shape or form.

Thank you.


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