Chapter 1

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Here's the first chapter of my first series. I hope you like it!


Bucky and Steve walk down the halls of the SHIELD headquarters. SHIELD had put itself back together after getting HYDRA out of its operations and was now back up and running, properly.

"Did Nat tell you why she wanted me here?" Asked Bucky.

"Nope. Just said she wanted you here, and that it had something to do with HYDRA." Steve Responded. "That's why I'm here."

"You don't trust me not to become The Winter Soldier again?" Bucky Asked, frowning. Yeah, he still suffered from nightmares and flashbacks of his time with HYDRA but the Winter Soldier hadn't been triggered for over a year.

"You know that's not true, Bucky. It's just a precaution." Said Steve, looking at his best friend with a look of pity that Bucky hated.

Steve and Bucky picked up on the sound of heavy heels at the end of the empty corridor and a few seconds later the bright red-headed Natasha Romanoff turned a corned to meet the two super soldiers.

"There's the old men I know and love." Said Natasha with a smirk before giving both a friendly hug.

"So what did you need me for?" Asked Bucky, wanting to get anything that had to do with HYDRA done and over with.

"Yeah. Come on. Follow me." Said Natasha and Both Steve and Bucky followed her. as they walked Natasha spoke again. "Barnes, do you remember your time with HYDRA?"

Bucky sent a sideways glance at Steve before sighing. "Yes, most of it. Why?"

Natasha stopped and turned around in front of what appeared to be a frosted glass window. You couldn't see anything into the other room except light.

"Do you remember the other Winter Soldiers?" Natasha Asked.

Bucky Nodded, suspicious. "Yeah, but Zemo killed all of them. I'm the only one left."

"Actually." Said Natasha as she flipped a switch on the wall. "We found one more."

The frosted glass cleared to show a girl, no older than 17 retrained in a moveable cell similar to the one Bucky had been put in. she wasn't wearing combat gear, only a pair of black jeans and a black tank top. Her hair was brown with tints of red and was in a braid that fell down past her waist. her eyes were a shocking shade of icy blue. her expression was hard, no emotion displayed.

Bucky swallowed but his mouth had gone dry. She was so young. "What did they do to her." Bucky Asked without looking away from the girl.

"My guess is the usual for their soldiers. Torture, brain-washing, super serum, and a Metal prosthetic."

"I don't see any Metal limbs." Said Steve, stating the obvious.

"Metal spine to improve flexibility. We assume while Bucky was trained to kill with brute force, she was trained to kill quietly, quickly, and cleanly."

"Do you know who she is?" Bucky Asked, still not looking away from the girl. She was so young. Too young. To go through what Bucky knew she had.

"From what we can find. Her name is Alice Mary-Anne Roscoe. born March 1930, died September 1947. Two older brothers, James and Walter Roscoe. Sargent James Roscoe was captured and killed behind enemy lines in 1944. Walter Roscoe died in 2005." Said Natasha, reading from the file in her hands.

"You Said she died in 1947. How do you know it's the same person?" Asked Steve.

Natasha pulled a photo out of the file and held it up for Steve to see. The girl in the photo had shorter hair but other than that the photo matched the girl in the cell perfectly.

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