Chapter 5

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Hey, it's been a little while. It's kinda short, sorry. I got a case of writers block so I just tried to finish this chapter up. The next chapter should come sooner. 😊


Alice laid in bed, staring at the blank ceiling. Maybe it was the new bed, or new environment, or being surrounded by new people, but she just couldn't sleep. She was exhausted, but she couldn't sleep. She had an idea. She sighed and swung her feet over the side of the bed. She glanced at the table on the nightstand. 11:46. No one should still be up right?

Alice stood up and slipped on the slippers the had found earlier. She opened her door as quietly as possible and glanced down the hallway, there were lights on under one of the doors, but she could sneak past that. She was an assassin for Pete's sake. 

She snuck past the door, no problem and stepped into the elevator...that was already open. That's odd. She stepped into the elevator and the doors closed behind her. There were no buttons in the elevator. 

"Miss Roscoe? Where would you like to go?" Asked the voice from earlier. She still jumped.

"Um...the roof please?" She Asked uncertainly 

"Of course, Miss." the voice replied. 

Alice felt the elevator move up. 

"Um...miss elevator lady? What are you?" She asked on the way up. 

"I am an Artificial Intelligence device created by Tony Stark to service Stark Industries and the Avengers Compound as a replacement for his previous AI, Jarvis. You can call me FRIDAY."

"Thank you...Friday?"

"Of course Miss." 

The elevator gave a quiet ping. the cool night breeze hit her face. She took a step out of the elevator. She looked up and found just what she was looking for. The stars. They were  more beautiful then she remembered from when she was younger. up on the roof with James, He'd taught her all the constellations. it was one of the first things she'd managed to get back after HYDRA, and the most valuable memory she'd remembered. 


Alice stiffened instantly. she reached for the pocket knife that she didn't have. She was unarmed. 

She saw a small light glow from where she guessed was the edge of the roof. a small rectangle glowing with soft blue light. 

It lit up Peter's face. She relaxed, it was just Peter. 

"Alice? What are you doing up here?"

Alice walked over and sat on the edge of the roof next to him. "I could ask you the same thing." She gave him a small smile. "I used the look at the stars with my brother when we couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep, but he's gone now, he's been gone since 1944. I thought maybe I could come here, and pretend I was still that girl. No war, no Hydra, no Avengers. Just me."

"I know how you feel." He said.

"You do?"

"Yeah, before I got bit by the spider, before I met Tony or joined the Avengers. I would go up on the roof with my Uncle Ben, He taught me the constellations. I like to think he's up there now.  He was shot and killed when I was 14, 2 weeks after I was bit. I knew I couldn't let that happen to anyone else, that's when I became Spider-Man." He said solemnly.

"How did you end up with the Avengers? You know, being 17 and all." 

"Uh, it started about 3 years ago. 6 months after I became Spider-Man. There was this thing called the Sokovia Accords. The team disagreed about what to do with the accords, and split. This was also right after Steve got Bucky away from HYDRA.  Steve ran off with Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Clint And this guy named Scott who you haven't met yet. Tony Recruited me to fight against them and we got in the big fight at an airport in Germany. After that I continued being Spider-Man until Tony decided I was ready and offered my a spot with the Avengers. Eventually the accords issue got patched up and the Avengers are now back together and stronger than ever."

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