Chapter 2

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Here's Chapter 2, it's a bit awkward and really short. Sorry 'bout that


Bucky went back to SHIELD headquarters the next morning. He punched the release code that Natasha had given him into the panel and stepped inside the room.

Alice turned to look at him. "ваша спина.(You're back.)" Her expression was blank but Bucky saw recognition in her eyes.

Bucky gave her a small smile. "что я, как я и сказал(That I am, just like I Said)"

Alice returned the smile slightly. Bucky took notice to the restraints that held her down. Her forearms and shins were completely covered in metal and she had two metal straps that crossed across her chest.

"Ты помнишь, что я просил вспомнить вчера?(Do you remember what I asked you to remember yesterday?)" Bucky Asked.

"Alice, SHIELD, 2019, Bucky" she responded in English.

"Я дал вам эти слова на русском языке, вы помните английский?(I gave you those words in Russian, are you remembering some English?)"

"немного(a little bit)" she responded.

"хороший(good.)" Bucky gave her another small smile, one she returned.

- - - - - - - - -

That continued over the next 2 months . Bucky would go in and talk with Alice. He'd help her remember the small details and she'd remember other things. He told her she had two brothers, she remembered their names. she got most of her English back, and she was almost back to herself. SHIELD had moved her to more of a traditional cell with a bed and a bathroom and freedom to move around. Obviously, she liked it a lot better.

Bucky walked into her room, just like he did almost every morning. Alice smiled at him from the edge of her grey bed. "Hey Bucky."

"Hey Alice, how you doing?" Bucky smiled back at her. And sat down on a chair in the Corner

"Good. I remembered something last night."

"Yeah? What was it?"


Bucky cocked an eyebrow. "You met Steve last week. is that what you mean?"

"No" Alice shook her head. "I think, I met him once, when I was 13. I saw his tour with my brother and his girlfriend, they snuck off sometime during it so I was just gonna head home. I ran into him after, and he gave me his autograph."

Bucky chuckled at the memory of Steve's ridiculous costume. "The costume was awful, wasn't it?"

Alice laughed lightly. "Yeah, a little bit."

"But I have something i want to talk to you about."

Alice looked at him and cocked an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Okay've been here for about 2 months. we haven't had any recent issues with flashbacks. I'll go ahead and tell you, you'll probably never be truly free from them, i still get flashbacks, and panic attacks, and Nightmares, but they do get better over time."

Alice Nodded. "Yeah, I kinda knew that already." She said, her tone solemn.

"But Natasha and I have talked with SHIELD, and we agree that you're no longer a danger to the public. So, that means that if you're okay with it, they're going to release you next week."

Alice looked at him for moment. "What does that mean?"

"Well you have two options, and it's completely up to you. Option one, is that SHIELD can set you up in an apartment, maybe I lower level job with them, and you can live as normal of a life that you can manage."

Alice Nodded again. "Okay. What's option two?"

"Option two. Steve is offering a spot for you with the Avengers." Bucky noticed Alice's eyes widen slightly. "you can move into the complex, train with us, it will probably be a little bit before everyone will feel comfortable sending you on a mission, but you'd do that eventually. That would be that."

"He...he wants me on the team?" Alice Asked, sounding like she didn't believe what Bucky was telling her.

"Yeah. He does. I do. Natasha does. so, if that's what you wanna do, all you have to do is say yes." Bucky Smiled at her. He didn't want to influence her decision, but he did truly think she'd make a good addition to the team. Or it just felt good to have someone who fully understood what he went through with HYDRA.

Alice smiled back at him. "Yes. Yes I want to be an Avenger." She wasn't about to tell him it was because she had to make up for all the lives she cost.

Bucky smiled at her, stood up and held out a hamd. Alice also stood up and took his handshake. "Great, I'll tell Steve. Alice Roscoe, Welcome to the Avengers." 

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