Chapter 9

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Hello! Sorry it's been so long. I've been having bad writers block, but I had ideas for the next chapter do I needed to get this one done. It gets a bit rushed at the end, so I'm sorry about that, but I hope you enjoy it!
Alice, Steve and Natasha walked into the Kitchen only to find Sam and Bucky sipping on cups of coffee.

"Hey, There you guys are! Friday told you guys had taken the jet to SHIELD. What were you guys doing?" Bucky asked.

Steve and Natasha smiled. Natasha turned to Alice as Alice grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge.

"I don't know. Alice, what were we doing?" Natasha asked.

Alice pulled her brand new ID out of her pocket and flashed it at Sam and Bucky. "Clearing me for all future missions." Alice smiled widely at her teammates.

"Alright! Can't wait to see you kick some butt with those moves of yours on a mission" Smiled Sam. "Give me a high five."

Sam held up a hand and Alice high-fived him before turning to Bucky, who seemed less excited than everyone else in the room.

"Bucky, are we still sparring today?" Alice asked.

Bucky nodded. "Yeah, why don't you go change cause I don't think you wanna spar in a skirt." Bucky gave her a crooked smile.

Alice looked down at her outfit for a second before looking up to smile at Bucky. "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll meet you in the gym in 15 minutes."

Bucky nodded and Alice jogged out of the kitchen, Leaving Bucky, Sam, Steve and Natasha in the kitchen. As soon as Bucky was sure Alice was out of ear shot he snapped to look at Steve.

"You cleared her for missions after 6 months!? Are you crazy?" Bucky snapped.

This wasn't a reaction Steve had expected from Bucky. "Bucky, I know that you don't want her getting hurt but she's perfectly capable."

Bucky's brow furrowed as the looked at Steve.

"Look man, she can take any one of us in a fight. She can take down some normal thugs." Sam spoke reasonably.

"We don't have guns and we aren't trying to kill her." Bucky argued.

"Bucky, Alice wants to prove herself, I can tell that she is starting to feel useless. She needs this." Natasha spoke calmly.

"And I don't think you realize how anxious she gets when you guys are gone." Sam said. "Remember that mission the three of you and Clint went on a couple weeks ago? She paced the living room for nearly an hour before Peter and Wanda managed to distract her. You going on missions and leaving her behind stresses her out."

"And you should know better than anyone what that type of stress does to someone." Steve added.

Bucky thought about the nightmares he used to have about Steve getting in a fight or getting sick and never recovering.

Bucky sighed. "Fine. But she stays with me for the first couple missions."

Steve nodded, "I thought that would have been a good idea, Anyway. For both of you."

"Good." Bucky said and stood up from the stool at the kitchen island. "I'm gonna go spar with Alice, I'll see you guys at Dinner."


Alice went to land a kick on Bucky's stomach but he reacted in time to grab her ankle and flip her onto her back. Bucky smirked down at Alice as he held her shoulders down to the mat.

"My point." he smiled.

"Yeah, I know." Alice said, with an exasperated smile. "Let me up."

Bucky let go of Alice's shoulders and straightened up, allowing Alice to get to her feet.

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