Chapter Two (Feliciano)

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The air is cold as I hum softly while walking down the street from the park to Lovino and I's café, Noodle, my guide dog, guiding me along. A few people who know me say hi and ask how Antonio and Lovino are or if we're planning to add anything new and exciting to the café's menu. It seems like everyone in the town knows the three of us from the café, and people always want to stop and chat on the street no matter the temperature.

We stop at a curb and I have to listen closely to the cars to know when it's safe to cross, after a few minutes I deem it safe and from the fact Noodle walks along with me without trying to stop me, I know I got it right.

Lovino had laughed when I named her Noodle after the two of us were matched, but Antonio said he loved the name right away and so it stuck.

The smell of delicious, if I do say so myself, food and pastries hit my nose and I smile brightly, reaching to open the doors of the café I co-own. I can hear people chatting in the dining area, a few people call out greetings when I pass them while heading towards the kitchen, I happily wave back in the direction of their voices.

"Feli!" Antonio exclaims once I'm close enough to the ordering counter and I open my arms for a hug, which he happily gives me as I giggle.

"Hi Toni! Is Lovi returning from class soon?"

My question is answered by an amused snort coming from the direction of the kitchen, a snort I immediately recognize.

I let go of Antonio and turn towards my brother, tackling him in an attempt hug. He sighs and I can feel him rolling his eyes as I giggle, "oops, sorry Lovi! I didn't realize you were back already, how was your final?"

"It was fine, I'm pretty sure my dish was good enough to pass."

I let go of him, shaking my head.

"'Good enough to pass' don't sell yourself short, Lovi, I'm 100% certain your dish was amazing!"

He chuckles but I can hear he doesn't believe me, "we will see Feli, I had a late breakfast with Arthur, Emma, and Camille to celebrate, Arthur and Camille said they should be by the café soon to see everyone, but Emma had to get to her internship, so she won't be coming by today."

I nod in understanding, hooking my arm with Lovino's and grabbing Noodle's guide handle again as we walk into the kitchen.

We met Camille, as well as many of our other friends, in a support group for people with disabilities that formed nearly two years ago, while Emma is a longtime friend we met in elementary school and Arthur is Antonio's best friend Francis' husband, so Lovi and I have known him for years.

Arthur is blind in his left eye from pediatric glaucoma that started when he was six months old, and has recently progressed to a point that he lacks peripheral vision in his right eye. He is a college student studying English at the same college Lovino attends to study culinary arts.

Camille is autistic and predominantly non-verbal, and she's studying law at another campus for the university that's close enough she can still meet the other three for lunch or studying together on the campus.

Emma is recently engaged to another friend of ours named Elizaveta who is taking classes to become a chemistry teacher while Emma is studying to become a veterinarian.

Lovi moves away from me once we reach the kitchen so I can put Noodle in her spot, out of the way and no where near the ingredients and food, and take off my jacket since I don't need it anymore, as the café is always kept at a comfortable temperature.

Lovino claps his hands together when I turn back around, making me jump in surprise.

"Okay bastard, we got things to make, I got the coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, you get to mixing the red velvet, peppermint bark, and pumpkin cupcakes, nearly all the cakes and cookies are out already, however the fourth batch of chocolate chip cookies are nearly done baking, I got those in the oven now. Soups are on the stove and Julian, Kiara, and Savannah should be here at 11:30 to work their shifts."

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