Chapter Six (Feliciano)

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"So what were you doing while you waited, Feli?" Toni asks as he pulls out of the parking lot.

I smile, "I was talking with someone, his name is Ludwig and he has a service dog too named Alaric! He described some of the cakes in the bakery to me and was really nice!"

Toni is silent for a moment, and I'm about to ask what's wrong when he interrupts me. "That's great, Feli!" He says, but he sounds like the excitement is fake, "it's nice to make friends, sí?"

I nod, wondering why Toni sounds like he's unsure how to feel.

"Sì! I got his number too, I'll probably call him tomorrow and see if maybe we can meet up!" I try to sound excited to get Toni happy too, but I don't think it works.

He chuckles, sounding nervous. "Yeah, maybe..."

I don't say anything else, just lean against the car window, wondering why Toni didn't like the idea that I had made a new friend.

...he's never done this before...maybe it's not that I made a new friend...

Maybe it's a problem with Ludwig?

The rest of the drive home is silent, an uncomfortable silence at that.

The three of us bought the house a year ago. Lovi and Toni had explained that it's in the middle of a suburb, with red brink and one story tall. They said the yard has flowers and a tall tree that Toni once tried to climb. It's three bedrooms; one for me, one for Lovino and Antonio, and a guest bedroom that anyone who stays over. There's a large backyard where Noodle loves to run around and play fetch. There are four trees, one of which is an apple tree, and a garden where we grow multiple types of vegetables and fruits.

I feel us drive into the driveway, and I blink awake.

Must have zoned out for a bit.

I yawn, suddenly really tired.

"You can take a nap if you want to, I'll let Lovi know we'll be back in a few hours?" I shrug. I would really prefer to go straight back to the café to work, but I know I won't be as concentrated while baking if I don't nap, so it's the smartest idea even if I don't really want to. I open the car door and walk around to the backseat where Noodle is at.

"Come on Noodle," I tell her, reaching to grab her handle and feeling her jump out of the car. I make sure she's out of the way before closing the door.

I hear some of the grocery bags rustling and move to help, but Toni stops me. "Go ahead and go lay down Feli, I got it."

I blink, furling my eyebrows in confusion.

'Toni never acts like I can't do something...what's going on?'

I don't respond, just frown and walk towards the front door, taking my key out and unlocking the door. I walk into the living room, taking a deep breath and smiling softly. Home smells of pastries and tomatoes, a strange smell that has become comforting in the months since we moved in.

I let go of Noodle's handle, not needing her to guide me. I know the layout of the house and can navigate without her or my cane, so she's currently off duty and can just be a normal dog.

Noodle follows close behind me as I walk to my room, sitting on my bed and taking off her harness, allowing her to get comfortable next to me. I take off my jeans, laying down under my covers and running my fingers through Noodle's far.

I gently pet her, closing my eyes and slowly drifting off to the sound of Noodle breathing.

The street is cold and dark, but I'm still smiling and humming softly, cane in my hand.

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