Chapter Ten (Ludwig)

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I wake up to Alaric licking my face sometime in the late evening going by the amount of light I can see outside. My memory is a bit fuzzy as I slowly open my eyes, but despite that I realize two things. One: I'm on the floor in a very uncomfortable position, and two: I'm incredibly hungry and can't remember the last time I ate.

Slowly, carefully, I sit myself up and lean against the couch. Imelda runs over from laying with Amara, placing herself in my lap and looking up at me, begging for pets that I give her. Alaric is next to me, but the other dogs are scattered around the room, each having found a way to entertain themselves or sleeping.

I pick up my phone to check the time, but notice I have a message from an unsaved number.

'Hi Ludwig! It's Feli, and I just wanted to say hi!'

Underneath it is a second message from the same number.

'Btw, it might take me a bit longer to reply since typing is slower with voice over.'

I smile, looking to see that the time is 6:53 pm. I save the number as 'Feli' with an Italian flag emoji next to it before pulling the messages back up and typing out a reply.

'Hi Feli.'

I stand slowly after moving Imelda from my lap and walk over to the backdoor, unlocking the dog door so everyone can go to the bathroom. My movements had awakened any of the dogs who were sleeping, the eight of them watching me closely, and all of them run outside when I unlock their door. I walk to the kitchen and pull out some leftovers, putting the container into the microwave and starting a pot of coffee.

I decide to edit my third draft a bit since I'm feeling motivated enough, grabbing my laptop while I wait for my dinner and coffee to be done. Once the microwave goes off, I take out my dinner and set it next to my laptop, doing the same with a fork, mug, and coffee pot once that is done.

Currently, I have five books published under the alias Anderson Hermann. My manager, a lovely woman named Janine, helped me come up with the name after I told her I was afraid to put my real name in the public eye, a situation she was very understanding of.

All five books are apart of a series that has a relatively big fanbase, shockingly enough. It's not huge compared to some other books fanbases, but there are thousands of pieces of fanart, fanfictions, and edits for my series online that I often look at, loving each and every one of them more than anything.

The series is based on bedtime stories Gilbert would tell me every night until I was eight and decided I was too old for bedtime stories; however, the stories began again after what happened and lasted until I moved into my house. The series is called 'The Stories of the Awesome Knight' and I'm in the process of editing the third draft of the sixth and final book.

The order of the series is-

Dark Seas: Story of the Awesome Knight

Beyond the World: Story of the Awesome Knight

Escape the Night: Story of the Awesome Knight

Playing with Fire: Story of the Awesome Knight

Saving an Angel: Story of the Awesome Knight

Defending Love: Story of the Awesome Knight

Most of them tell of the Awesome Knight and his adventures around the world he lives in, however the fifth book introduces a prince that the Awesome Knight falls in love with, thus beginning their adventures together.

The prince is, obviously, based on Matthew, something he told me was an honor.

Gilbert says he is beyond proud of me despite being shocked that I actually remember the stories to begin with, and that he's happy I'm sharing the stories that helped me throughout my childhood and the hardest time of my life, and we both hold the hope that the stories help other people like they helped me.

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